P. 11

Date    Initiator                Event
          Production and Operations Management  James Watt             The Steam Engine was commercially manufactured
                                      1899    Eli Whitney              Introduced mass production and the concept of
                                                                       standard interchangeable parts
                                      1900    Frederick W. Taylor      Scientific Management
                    Notes             1900    Frank & Lillian Gilbreth   Time & Motion Studies
                                      1901    Henry H. Gantt           Scheduling
                                      1905    Henry Ford               Assembly Line
                                      1905    Alfred P. Sloan          Organizational Management
                                      1927    Elton Mayo               Human Resources Movement
                                      1931    Walter A. Shewart;       Quality Control Charts
                                      1935    H.F. Dodge & H.G. Romig   Statistical Sampling applied to quality control
                                      1940    P.M.S. Blacket et al     Operations Research Applications
                                      1947    George B. Dantzig et al   Linear Programming
                                      1950    A. Charnes, W.W. Cooper & H.   Non-linear and Stochastic Processes Programming
                                      1970    J. Orlicky & O. Wright   Computer applications to Manufacturing – Material
                                                                       Requirement Planning (MRP)
                                      1980    W.E. Deming, Philip Crosby &   Quality and productivity applications from Japan;
                                              J. Juran  General Motors & IBM   Computer aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD
                                                                       /CAM); Robotics,
                                      1990    Netscape, US Department of   Internet, Electronic Enterprise
                                              Defense Michael Hammer,   Business Process Reengineering
                                              James Champy
                                      2000    Amazon, eBay, Yahoo, America   E-commerce,  Agile Manufacturing, High
                                              Online                   performance Work systems
                                              Dr. Daniel Whitney and
                                              Professor Charles Fine, MIT

                                   The combination of computer and communication advances affected the way business  was
                                   conducted and it particularly impacted many service industries. The development of the better
                                   and faster microprocessors, communication technology, miniaturization, and digitization created
                                   a new lease of life  and added vigour to the development  of new techniques in Operations
                                                  Figure 1.1:  Chronology of  Operations Management  Themes

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