P. 190
Unit 11: Human Resources and Development
Objectives of HRD can be made clear when we highlight the importance of human resources in Notes
line with the examination process of the 'Baldridge Award', which is given at an international
level to a quality organisation. Objectives of HRD practices in an organisation should be to put
efforts to develop/and realise the full potential of the workforce, including management and to
maintain an environment conducive to total participation, quality leadership and personal and
organisational growth. In an organisation there are six units which are concerned with HRD,
namely person, role, dyad, team, inter-team and organisation. The effectiveness of one contributes
in turn to the effectiveness of the others.
HRD objectives can also be couched in line with W. Edward Deming's fourteen principles for
quality improvement in an organisation. Here we won't discuss the fourteen principles but we
will focus on only those points which are related to HRD objectives. There are:
1. Institute training on the job.
2. Breakdown barriers between departments to build teamwork.
3. Drive fear out of the workplace.
4. Create conditions to enable employees to take pride in their workmanship.
5. Institute programme of education and self-improvement.
At this stage for better appreciation, we will review the HRD objectives of two leading companies
in India.
Exhibit 11.1: HRD Objectives of Siemens Limited
Development of employees is the primary task of the company.
It is the policy of Siemens to recruit, train, develop and advance employees within the
To achieve these objectives Siemens have laid down their policies as under:
Recruitment of quality manpower and their retention.
Recruitment mainly at entry level.
Plan and monitor career development staff to perform effectively in their present jobs; groom
potential managers for higher responsibilities.
To introduce and sustain an objective system of evaluation of performance based on result.
Performance as the sole criterion for increments and promotion.
Use of training as the strategic factor for competitive advantage.
To nurture a spirit of entrepreneurship among employees.
Work in close collaboration for fostering the spirit of openness.
To ensure transparency in decision-making:
Self-motivated employees
Employee commitment
Commitment of results.
Exhibit 11.2: HRD Objectives of W.S. Industries India Limited
To plan and induct appropriate manpower in terms of knowledge, skill and attitude.
To provide opportunities for growth to employees in terms of remuneration, career and skill