P. 375

Microeconomic Theory

                   Notes         1.  No relation to practical policy: Dr. Little comprehends it as impractical in totalitarian state and it is
                                   also the more impractical in democratic state “where there are many faded social welfare functions as
                                   per their member. It can be accepted as essential formal factor for a general independent adjustment
                                   of the welfare which has no relation with the practical policy.”
                                 2.  Difficult to construct social welfare function: One more difficulty arises in the construction and
                                   shape of welfare function. On adding the preference of each individual, social welfare function is
                                   constructed. But the problem is individual preference should be given equal weight of different. It
                                   makes  a hard talk to create a social welfare function.
                                 3.  Equations and curves arbitrary and imaginary: Representation social welfare function in equations
                                   or social indifference curves does not help in solving the problem as individual welfare function
                                   cannot be estimated. Thus all the equations and curves representing social function are arbitrary
                                   and imaginary.
                                 4.  Without empirical significance: According to Dr. Little the concept of maximum is without any
                                   possible empirical significance, so it would be better not to use it at all. It is more meaningful to
                                   derive the optimum conditions in adequate state without trying to define a maximum situation.
                                 5.  Not possible to construct social welfare faction based on individual preferences: Prof. Arrow
                                   described that if individuals has to choose from two or more alternatives then constructing social
                                   welfare function, the basis of ordinal member presence had to mutually oppose results. Suppose there
                                   are three persons, A, B, C, who are to choose from these possible social situations X, Y, Z members
                                   1,2, 3. The obtained statistics are shown in Table 25.1. A will give preference to X as compared
                                   to Y, and to Y than Z, so he gives more preference to Z in comparison to X. B prefers Y than Z, Z
                                   than X and so Y is preferred more than X. C prefers Z than X, Y so prefers Z in comparison to Y. If
                                   individual preferences are given equal significance, then on the basis of majority rule, social function
                                   can be constructed. But majority rule leads to mutually opposing results. Two person (A and C) give
                                   preference to X more than Y and two persons (B and C) give more presence to Z than X. It clarifies
                                   the paradox of majority rule, which according to Prof. Arrow is deadlock and so creates undesired
                                   inaction in respect to socialization. Thus, the creation of a social welfare function is not possible, which
                                   considers preferences of every individual.
                                 6.  Not helpful in solving the main problems of welfare economics: According to Prof. Baumol, “social
                                   welfare function does not come and equipped with that kind of instructions, which is required for
                                   it.” Thus, the welfare is not very helpful to solve the main problems of economics.

                               Self Assessment

                               State whether the following statements are True/False:
                                 8.  As per Dr. Little opinion, “The welfare completes the formal mathematical task of economics.”
                                 9.  One more difficulty arises in the construction and shape of creation of welfare function.
                                 10.  Incorporating social welfare function can remove the uncertainty found in Pareto Optimum.

                               25.2  Summary

                                 •  Social welfare fuction represents those factiors on which welfare of a society is assumed to be
                                   dependent. Accoding to the definitions given by Bergson, it is “either the fucntion of welfare of
                                   each individual of the community, or the fuction of goods consumed and the services rendered by
                                   each individual of the community.”

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