P. 4
lef"V vFkZ'kkL= ds fl)kar
(Macroeconomic Theory)
• lelkekf;d lef"V vFkZ'kkL= ds fl)kar dks le>us dh lw{e n`f"V iznku djuk] Nk=ksa esa lef"V vFkZ'kkL= ds
fofHkUu pjksa tSls & jk"Vªh; vk;] jkstxkj] mi“ksx] eqnzkLQhfr vkSj eqnzk dh ek=k ds chp vkilh laca/kksa dk fo'ys"k.k
djus dh le> iSnk djukA vFkZO;OkLFkk esa ljdkjh O;;] djk/kku] ekSfnzd uhfr;ka vkfn le>us esa fo|kFkhZ ;ksX;
• To give the students an overview of contemporary macroeconomic theory and to make the students
understand and analyze relationships among different macroeconomic variables such as national
income, employment, consumption, inflation and the quantity of money. Student will be able to
understand the role of government expenditure, taxation and monetary policy in an economy.
Sr. No. Content
1 Introduction to Macroeconomics; National Income : Concepts of National
GNP and Welfare
2 Inter-Temporal and International Comparisons of National Income; Classical
Theory of Income, Output and Employment; Keynesian Theory of Income,
Output and Employment
3 Consumption Function: Absolute Income Hypothesis; Relative Income
Permanent Income and Life Cycle Hypothesis; Investment Function: Keynesian
Approach; Accelerator Theory
4 Demand for Money : Quantity Theory of Money; Keynesian Approach
5 Boumol’s and Tobin’s Contribution; Friedman’s Restatement of Quantity
Theory of Money; Supply of Money: Definition of Money and its Importance
in Macro Economics
6 Money Multiplier and Credit Creation by Commercial Banks; Derivation,
Properties and Shift in IS and LM Curves; Simultaneous Equilibrium in Money
and Product Markets
7 Effects of Monetary Policies Under Different Cases in IS-LM Framework;
Effects of Fiscal Policies Under Different Cases in IS-LM Framework
8 Inflation: Types and its Effects; Philips Curve Analysis; Trade Cycles : Meaning
and Types; Accelerator-Multiplier Interaction Model
9 Kaldor’s Model of Trade Cycles; Monetary and Fiscal Policy–Objective,
Conflicts; Mudell Model; Swan Model
10 Rational Expectations and Economic Theory, New Keynesian Macro