P. 349

          E L-LOVELY-H math27-1     IInd  21-10-11     IIIrd  24-1-12     IVth  21-4-12     Vth  20-8-12     VIth  10-9-12

          Dilfraz Singh, Lovely Professional University                               fJekJh^27 L o/yh gq'rokfwzr

                                      fJekJh^27L o/yh gq'rokfwzr                                  B'N

                                       (Linear Programming)

                ftP/ t;s{ (Contents)
                T[d/P (Objectives)
                gq;sktBk (Introduction)

                   27H1  o/yh gq'rokfwzr dk noE (Meaning of Linear Programming)
                   27H2  PosK ns/ ;XkoBheoD (Conditions and Generalisation)

                   27H3  cow d/ f;XKs T[Zs/ T[g:'r (Application to the Theory of the Firm)
                   27H4  o/yh gq'rokfwzr dhnK ;hwktK (Limitations of Linear Programming)
                   27H5  ;koKP (Summary)

                   27H6  Ppde'P (Keywords)
                   27H7  nfGnk; gqPB (Review Questions)

                   27H8  ;zdoG g[;seK (Further Readings)

                T[d/P (Objectives)
                fJ; fJekJh d/ nfXn?B s'A pknd ftfdnkoEh :'r j'Dr/L

                    •   o/yh  gq'rokfwzr  d/ noE,  PosK  ns/ ;XkoBheoD  Bkb  ;zpzXs  ikDekoh  gqkgs  eoB

                    •   cow d/ f;XKs T[Zs/ T[g:'r dh ikDekoh gqkgs eoB ftZu.
                    •   o/yh gq'rokfwzr dhnK ;hwktK B{z ikDB ftZu.

                gq;sktBk (Introduction)

                o/yh gq'rokfwzr fJZe rfDse ftXh j? fi;dk rfDs^ftfrnkBh ikoi v?Bfir (George Dantzig)
                B/, ;/BktK B{z g{osh gj[zukT[D dh ;wZf;nk Bkb ;zpzXs nwohek dh jtkJh ;/Bk d/ ftfGzB ekoiK
                dh :'iBk pDkT[D d/ bJh, 1947 ftZu ftef;s ehsk ;h. cow d/ nkofEe f;XKs, gqpzXkswe
                noEPk;so, nzdo{Bh gqd/fPe tgko, ;XkoD ;zs[bB ftPb/PD, efbnkD noEPk;so ns/ ftek;
                nk:'iB ftZu gq:'r d/ bJh th fJ;dk ftek; j'fJnk j?. fJ; nfXnkJ/ ftZu cow Bkb ;zpzXs
                o/yh gq'rokfwzr dh ftnkfynk ehsh ik ojh j?.

                27H1 o/yh gq'rokfwzr dk noE (Meaning of Linear Programming)

                nfXeheoD  ns/ fBT{BswheoD dhnK ;wZf;nktK  B{z nkPktkdheoD  (optimisation)  dhnK
                ;wZf;nktK th efjzd/ jB. fJBQK ;wZf;nktK B{z jZb eoB d/ bJh noEPk;sohnK d[nkok fijVhnK
                seBheK ngDkJhnK iKdhnK jB T[jBK B{z o/yh gq'rokfwzr efjzd/ jB. o/yh ;wZf;nktK d/ o{g ftZu
                e[ZM  gqfspzXK  (constraints)  d/  ofjzd/  j'J/,  nkPktkdh  fBofDnK  d/  ftPb/PD  d/  bJh  fJj  fJZe
                rfDse seBhe j?. rfDse GkPk ftZu fJj T[jBK ;kohnK ;wZf;nktK T[Zs/ bkr{ j[zdh j? fiBQK ftZu,
                e[ZM uoK d/ o{g ftZu ftnes o/yh n;wkBsktK dk ftt;Ek d/ ofjzd/ j'J/ nfXeheoD
                (maximisation) ns/ fBT{BswheoD (minimisation) d/ jZbK dh Io{os j[zdh j?.i/eo x ns/ y,

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