P. 289

Unit 21: Capital Market in India and Working of SEBI

        •    In recent years, mutual funds are the most important among the newer capital market institutions.  Notes
             Several public sector banks and financial institutions have set up mutual funds on a tax-exempt
             basis, virtually on the same footing as Unit Trust of India (UTI).
        •    Venture capital financing is one of the more recent entrants into the capital market. There is
             significant scope for them in the context of emergence of technocrat entrepreneurs who have
             technical competence and expertise but lack venture capital. Financial institutions generally
             insist on greater promoter contribution to investment financing, in which case, the technorcrat
             entrepreneurs need the support of venture capital companies.
        21.7 Key-Words

        1. Urban infrastructure : Infrastructure is the basic physical and organizational structures needed
                               for the operation of a society or enterprise, or the services.
        2. Monopoly          : The exclusive possession, control, or exercise of something: "men don't
                               have a monopoly on unrequited love".
        21.8 Review Questions

        1. What  do you mean by the term Indian Capital Market? Discuss.
        2. Discuss the features of the Indian Money.
        3. Explain the reform of the Indian Money Market.
        4. Write a short note on the Monetary Policy of India.
        5. What are the objectives of Monetary Policy?
        Answers: Self-Assessment

        1.  (i) SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India)
           (ii) False                     (iii) Shares                  (iv) Dividend
           (v) Long-term                  (vi) Sensex                  (vii) Retail investor
        21.9 Further Readings

                     1. The Indian Economy; S.K. Ray; Prentic, Hall of India Private Limited
                        New Delhi - 110001.
                     2. Indian Economy; Gaurav Datt and Aswani Mahajan; S. Chand and Company
                        LTD. Ram Nagar, New Delhi-110055.

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