P. 79

Unit 6 : Rybczynski Theorem

        6.2 Summary                                                                               Notes

        •    According to the Rybczynski (1955) theorem, applied to the standard two-country, two-good,
             two-factor model, an increase in one factor will result in an absolute rise in the output of the
             commodity which is relatively intensive in the increased facgor, and to an absolute fall in the
             output of the other commodity.
        •    The generalization of the theorem by Jones (1965) states that “if factor endowments expand at
             different rates, the commodity intensive in the use of the fastest growing factor expands at a
             greater rate than either factor, and the other commodity grows (if at all) at a slower rate than
             either factor.”
        •    The application of Jones' version of the theorem to a model with three goods, one of which is
             non-traded, two factors and indecomposable inter-industry flows is studied here.
        •    The introduction of inter-industry flows makes necessary a distinction between net and gross
             Rybezynski output effects and also between direct and total factor intensities of commodities. It
             is found that a sufficient condition for the generalized Rybcynski theorem, defined in terms of
             total factor intensities, to hold for both net and gross outputs, net output changes being
             proportionately greater than gross changes, is that the net output change of the non-traded
             good is bounded by the factor changes.
        •    This result is compared with earlier findings and the meaning of the sufficient condition is
             discussed in terms of basic demand parameters.
        6.3 Key-Words

        1. New international economic order (NIEO) : The demands made developing nations as a group
                                               at the United Nations for the removal of alleged
                                               injustices in the operation of the present
                                               international economic system and for the
                                               implementation of specific measures to facilitate the
                                               development of these nations.
        2. Newly industrializing economies (NIEs)  : Economies such as South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan
                                               and Hong Kong which are growing very rapidly
                                               based mostly on export growth.
        3. Regions of recent settlement       : The mostly empty and resource-rich lands, such as
                                               the U.S., Canada, Argentina, Uruguay, Australia,
                                               New Zealand and South Africa, that Europeans
                                               settle during the nineteenth century.
        4. Rybczynski theorem                 : A theorem postulating that at constant relative
                                               commodity prices the growth of only one factor
                                               leads to an absolute expansion in the output of the
                                               commodity using the growing factor intensively
                                               and to an absolute reduction in the output of the
                                               commodity using the non growing factor
        6.4 Review Questions

        1. What  do you mean by the Rybczynski Theorem? Discuss.
        2. Illustrate  the diagram with the effects of factor growth on trade equilibrium.

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