P. 223

Unit 16: Methods—Simple (Unweighted) Aggregate Method and Weighted Aggregate Method

            16.1 Simple (Unweighted) Aggregate Method                                                Notes

            This is the simplest method of constructing Index Number. In this method the total of current year
            prices for the various commodities is divided by the total of base year prices, the resultant so obtained is
            multiplied by 100 to get the Index Numbers for the current year in terms of percentage.

                                      ΣP 1
                                 P  =    × 100
                                  01  ΣP 0
            Where,    P  = Current year price Index Number based upon base year;
                   ΣP  = Sum total of current year prices; and  ΣP  = Sum total of base year prices.
            In Index Number 0 is used for base year and 1 is used for current year.
            Example 1:  Given the following data, and assuming 1991 as the base year, find out index value of
                        the prices of different commodities for the year 1995.
                  Commodity            A           B          C          D          E
               Prices in 1991 (Rs.)    50          40         10         5          2

               Prices in 1995 (Rs.)    80          60         20         10         6

            Solution:   Construction of a Simple Index Number-Simple Aggregate Method

                 Commodities               1991 (or Base Year)        1995 (or Current Year)
                                                P  (Rs.)                    P  (Rs.)
                                                 0                           1
                      A                           50                          80
                      B                           40                          60
                      C                           10                          20
                      D                            5                          10
                      E                            2                           6
                    Total                      Σ P  = 107                  Σ P  = 176
                                            ΣP 1      176
                                       P =     × 100   =   × 100  = 164.48
                                        01  ΣP 0      107
                        Thus, Price Index No. = 164.48
                        It means that prices, in general has increased by 64.48%.
            Example 2: From the following data construct an index for 2005 taking 2004 as base.
                Commodities             A          B          C          D         E

                Prices in 2004 (Rs.)    50         40        80         110        20
                Prices in 2005 (Rs.)    70         60        90         120        20

            Solution:   Construction of Price index
                  Commodities                  Prices in 2004            Prices in 2005
                                                  P  (Rs.)                  P  (Rs.)
                                                   0                         1
                       A                            50                        70

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