P. 110

Educational Technology

                          Notes       10.8  Suggestions for Reflective Level of Teaching

                                      The following are suggestions for teaching thinking level—
                                        1.  Before teaching this level, it is necessary to have the knowledge memory and understanding level.
                                        2.  Every related step should be follow.
                                        3.  Aspiration level should be high.
                                        4.  They should have sympathy, love and sensitivity.
                                        5.  Attention should be paid towards cognitive development.
                                        6.  Students should be given more opportunities to develop consideration and reasoning power.
                                        7.  Democratic learning environment should be maintained.
                                        8.  Students should be motivated more and more for positive thinking.
                                        9.  Maintains democratic learning environment.
                                        10.  Students should be encouraged to thinking more and more perfect.

                                      The table given below presents a comparative study of memory, understanding and reflective levels of

                                      10.9   Comparative Study of Memory, Understanding and
                                             Reflective Level of Teaching

                                              Points           Memory Level      Understanding Level   Refl ective Level
                                      1. Starter           Herbart              Morrison            Hunt
                                      2. Nature of Teaching  Thoughtless        Thoughtful          Independent, fully
                                      3. Goals             Epistemic            Understanding and   Analysis, synthesis and
                                                                                experimental        Evaluation
                                      4. Contents          Factual              Interpretive        Refl ective
                                      5. Class Environment  Passive             Critical            Controversial
                                      6. Learning          Stimulus, response   Reinforcement, insight  Self-objectivity, rules
                                      7. Learning Structure  Signal, sequence   Relations,          Problem Solving
                                                                                discrimination, suffi x
                                      8. Tactics           Lectures             Question            Discussion
                                      9. Motive            External             External or Internal   Internal
                                      10. Relation with Brain  No relation between   There exists a   Development of basic
                                                           Memory level and brain perspective relation  and creative abilities
                                      11. Test             Oral/Written,        Oral/Written,       Essay type-such as
                                                           Objective-           Objective—          explain, evaluate,
                                                           Refresher and sentence  Knowledge, Multi  describe
                                                           completing           selection, True/False,
                                                                                short answer

                                      12. Evaluation       Experience is erased   Students experience   Sufficient rule for
                                                           from answer sheet    is based on the use of   practical solutions to
                                                                                other words         the appropriate data has
                                                                                                    been upgraded.

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