P. 106
Educational Technology
Notes approach, without which teaching is not possible. “Teaching approach may lead the same content to
thoughtful situation from a thoughtless situation”. Therefore, the circumstances of the teaching process
on a continuous sequence of thoughtless actions can be divided into stages or levels. In other words, the
whole teaching process can be divided into three levels:
1. Memory Level
2. Understanding Level
3. Refl ective Level
Memory Level Understanding Level Refl ective Level
Start Teaching Process End
Fig. Levels of Teaching
10.1 Teaching of Memory Level
Memory level teaching is thoughtless. Such learning situations are developed at this stage that the
student could easily memorized the contents taught. At this stage, the emphasis is on recall and
cramming. Meaningful and related content is easy to remember, while redundant objects are diffi cult
to remember. Memory does not belong to cramming of equal facts and information. Even mentally
backward child remember things easily. The cramming memory gives the knowledge of facts but it
doesn’t give their understanding. Poetry readings, word-meaning and their practice, forms in Sanskrit,
tables, counting, linguistic spelling, grammar, historical events are more effective on the memory level
teaching. Therefore, a complete rejection of memory level is not possible.
This level has its own importance and field. Understanding and Reflective level of
teaching can’t work properly without this level. So this level provides the foundation for
other speculative levels.
Since almost facts are crammed at memory level so the process of forgetting is quite active. Nowadays
crammed facts are not useful in the daily lives of students. At this stage there is no way for thinking and
reasoning. Students are passive and class moves on practical manner. The atmosphere of classroom is
quite formal and the student cannot get teacher’s inspiration.
In the memory level teaching, the importance is given to hint learning, series learning and (S-R) operation.
Query method does not have any importance. To explain the memory level format, a paradigm is being
presented below. It was developed by Herbart. The table below briefly explains the paradigm.
10.2 Model of Memory Level Teaching
Paradigm side Memory Level Teaching
1. Focus To develop the following capabilities in students—
(a) Mental aspects of training.
(b) Providing knowledge of the facts.
(c) Remember learning facts.
(d) To recall facts learned and resubmit them
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Educational Technology 100 29/07/13 10:22 PM
Educational Technology 100