P. 107

Unit–10: Levels of Teaching

                    2. Syntax       The memory level teaching system has been divided into following 5 stages which   Notes
                                    is called Herbart’s five positional systems.

                                    (a) Introduction and preparation and statement of purpose
                                    (b) Presentation
                                    (c) Comparison and Association
                                    (d) Conclusions and Generalization
                                    (e) Experiment and Practice
                    3. Social System  (a) Teacher is more active and dominating in the classroom
                                    (b)  He presents contents in front of students, control their actions and provides
                                    (c) Students have accessory position.
                                    (d) Student quietly follow teacher by assuming him ideal.
                    4. Support System (a) Assessment is both written and unwritten.
                                    (b) Emphasis is on cramming ability in test.
                                    (c) Recall and recognition are important in objective examination

                   10.3  Suggestion for Teaching of Memory Level

                   For creating more viable and effective memory level teaching, following points are given below to create
                   a meaningful content.

                     1.  Contents should be create in meaningful.
                     2.  Contents should be presented in aggregate form.
                     3.  Contents should be presented in sequence.

                     4.  Should be given more time to practice.
                     5.  Should not teach at the time of fatigue.
                     6.  Fixed Ratio Schedule of Reinforcement
                     7.  At this stage teaching should be kept only for the purpose of acquiring knowledge.

                     8.  Should be repeated in a rhythm.

                   10.4  Understanding Level of Teaching

                   Understanding in the field of education is a very broad term. Morris L. Wiggi uses it to explain the

                   following three points
                    1.  Seeing Relationship.

                     2.  Seeing the Tool use of Facts.
                     3.  Seeing both Relationship and Tool use.
                   It is necessary for Understanding level teaching that memory level teaching has already been done.
                   Understanding level teaching cannot succeed without this.  At this level teacher understand the
                   generalization, regulations and facts and makes the learning process more meaningful and worthwhile.

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