P. 197
Unit-23: Web Based Instruction and E-Learning
23.4.7 Technologies of E-learning Notes
E-learning is also called as Blended learning. Various type of media are used in it. Technologies used in
it are as follows—
1. Web Based Instructional Material
2. Multimedia, CD ROM
3. Website
4. E-mail and Mobile learning
5. Internet Text
6. Learning managed software
7. Simulation
8. Computer aided assissment
9. Virtual Classroom
10. Games
Blended methods are used in most E-learning. Communication is done through network. Learning
technology and educational technology are widely used in terms of learning. It is used as extended
format rather than computer based training. Computer assisted Instruction was used in 1980. It is more
wider than online education. Generally online education is considered as web based learning. Basically,
E-learning is similar to distance learning.
E-learning is also called as flexible learning. This learning is also attached to the face to face learning.
The word, blended learning is used for this. It is used as a specific management learning environment.
The trend of using management learning environment in higher education has been increasing. This
environment is included in the management notification which originates management learning
environment. Every phase of the course is communicated through this. In modern time, open
universities has been developing very rapidly. E-learning has a great contribution in controlling open
universities and open schools. E-learning is also called as educational website. It is also used in other
23.4.8 Use of Communication Technology in E-Learning
Communication Technology can be divided into two categories—
1. Asynchronous Media and
2. Synchronous Media
1. In the process Asynchronous Media, E-mail, web, blog, wikis and discussion are used. It provides
opportunity for discussion. E-mail is also included in it. It has collaboration of teachers and students.
2. Synchronous Media—Ideas are transmitted in this communication. The opportunity is given to face
to face teaching and interaction. Everyone collaborates in it. There is online discussion and blended
communication is used.
Blended communication technologies are used in actual class teaching. There is interaction between
students and teachers and verbal and non-verbal communications are used.
23.4.9 Use of E-Learning in University Teaching
E-Learning is more effective in university teaching. It also promotes the training process. Administration
and teaching processes are also effective. Students get the opportunity to learn different courses on the
website of different universities. Written form of lectures are also available on websites and also support
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