P. 4

                                           ftfdne y'i gqDkbh ns/ nzeVk^ftfrnkB
                                (Methodology of Educational Research and Statistics)

                            y'i dhnK nkXkoG{s XkoDktK, nB[;zXkB gqfefonktK ns/ gfoebfgsK B{z ;wMDK.
                            ftfGzB gqeko dhnK y'i ;wZf;nktK B{z u[DB dhnK seBheK B{z ;wMDK.

                            y'i gq;skt fsnko eoB dh :'rsk gqkgs eoBk.

                            To understand the basic concepts of research, research processes and designs.
                            To understand the techniques of selecting different types of research problems.
                            To acquire skills of preparing the research proposal.

               Sr. No.                                         Content
                  1      Educational Research – concept, need and scope, Approaches to research- Qualitative

                         vs. Quantitative, Types of research – basic, applied research and action research.

                  2      Selection and identification of research problem, sources of research problem, Review
                         of related literature, need and sources.

                  3      Methods of research: descriptive method, Survey method, Correlation Studies,

                         Developmental Studies, Experimental research, Ex post-facto research, Experimental
                         Designs, Historical research.

                  4      Tools and techniques of data collection; Observation and observation schedule,
                         Questionnaire, Rating scale, Case study, Interview and Interview Schedule.

                  5      Population, sample and sampling design, Probability and non-probability sampling

                  6      Hypothesis – concept, characteristics, sources, Formulation of hypotheses, testing of

                         hypotheses, Quantitative data – collection, scoring, analysis and interpretation,
                         Qualitative data – collection, scoring, analysis and interpretation, Preparation of

                         research report and dissemination of findings.

                  7      Statistical methods: frequency distribution and graphical representation, Measurement
                         of central tendency- Mean, Median, Mode, Measures of variability- SD, MD, QD.

                  8      Probability: Normal Probability Curve and its Uses.

                  9      Correlation- rank difference, product moment method
                  10     Chi-square test, T-test, F-test.
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