P. 148

Guidance and Counseling

                   Notes          •   In the counseling of personal problems the psychotherapeutic model assumes a somewhat
                                      different character. In this, information and planning in logical terms do not play that central a
                                  •   Readiness: Clients broadly fall under two broad categories, the first consisting of those who
                                      seeks assistance voluntarily and the second comprises those referred.
                                  •   Counter Will: Often people experience difficulty in asking for help and accepting it as well.
                                      Because in some cases, they are reluctant to face the consequences of change and for some
                                      receiving help means an admission of inadequacy of failure.
                                  •   Case History: This is a term very often used in this field. A case history can be defined as a
                                      systematic collection of facts about the client present and past life. However, the focus of
                                      attention varies with the theoretical orientations of the counselor like a psychoanalytically
                                      oriented counselor looking for relevant childhood experiences, etc.
                                  •   Stage I: The first stage is the awareness of need for help. Most individuals go about their day-
                                      to-day lives without much awareness of their situation and they appear to be none the worse
                                      for it.
                                  •   Stage II: The second important stage in counseling consists of the development of relationship.
                                      This can be viewed as a bridge  connecting the counsellee’s personality with that of the
                                      counselor’s, penetrating through the other defenses. The development of an emotionally warm
                                      and understanding relationship is the first step in the Counseling relationship.
                                  •   Stage III: Thp third step in counseling is to aid the expression of feelings and clarification of
                                      problems. In psychoanalytic terminology this is similar to ‘catharsis’. In a sense, it is a ventilation
                                      of feelings and the client experiences a feeling of relief consequent to the release of tension.
                                      There is an awareness of relief from emotional stress obtained through the communication of
                                  •   Stage IV: The next stags emprises the exploration of deeper feelings. We have said in the
                                      preceding section that the client may mistake ventilation of feelings for resolution of feelings. It
                                      is necessary that the counselor should not be content with a superficial view of the client’s
                                  •   Stage V: The preceding stage logically leads to the next stage, comprising the integration process.
                                      A proper appreciation of the feelings and underlying polarities can help diffuse emotional
                                      tension and the counselor can help the client see each feeling in its proper perspective without
                                      either unduly exhibiting fear or withdrawal or showing lack of concern.
                                  •   Stage VI: The next stage, though not spelt out very clearly, is concerned with the time perspective.
                                      Clients usually are confused about their time perspective. They are not able to see the present
                                      as logically arising from the past or the present affecting the future.
                                  •   Stage VII: This stage is one of developing the awareness of the counsellee. A number of
                                      counselors and psychotherapists stress the importance of helping the client gain insight into
                                      himself as well as insight into the world around him. This term, ‘insight’, is usually used
                                      synonymously with awareness.
                                  •   Therefore this stage is the actual test to determine the success of counseling. If the client is not
                                      able to adapt himself to his surroundings then we can infer that he has not gained much from
                                  •   Beginning of counseling session (introduction) : As the patient enters the room, greet the
                                      person, call the person by name, welcome the client and make him/her comfortable.
                                  •   Active attending or Listening : It is most important point in counseling because the details
                                      provided by the client are based on it. Active listening means listening carefully and paying
                                      attention to verbal as well as non verbal signals.
                                  •   Some of these nonverbal activities are counselee entering the room, Voice quality, Breathing,
                                      Eyes, Facial expressions, Leg movement & Body posture.
                                  •   Questioning : Always try to use questions and establish communications so that both the
                                      problem and the solutions are clear. Asks questions in order to clarify the situation and make

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