P. 10

Educational Management

                   Notes          Management as an organisation
                                  As an organisation, management is about creating formal structures and an establishment based on
                                  a mission (or goals), objectives, targets, functions and tasks. For example, social and welfare
                                  organisations in government management can refer to education and health services, whilst public
                                  security management services could refer to the police and military.
                                  Management as a person
                                  Managements may be seen as a person or a group of people. For example, a teacher could say ‘The
                                  school management has changed the timetable in the middle of the term’. This could be referring to
                                  you, as the head alone, or to all the senior staff, or it could refer to the members of the board of
                                  governors or school committee. In schools with several promoted staff a ‘senior management team’
                                  might be formed in much the same way as a government has a cabinet of ministers.

                                  Management as a discipline
                                  In this sense, management is a field of study with various subjects and topics. Knowledge, skills and
                                  attitudes in management can be acquired through learning, from experience and from certificated
                                  The functions of managers
                                  We will briefly examine five main functions of managers, namely : planning, organising, directing,
                                  supervising and evaluating.

                                              Management is a collection of processes, including such things as decision-making,
                                              problem-solving and action-planning. These processes involve the management of
                                              resources including human, material, financial and time. These processes are also
                                              known as the functions of managers.

                                  1.4 Scope of Educational Management

                                  By scope, we mean the area within which  functioning of educational management takes place. The
                                  scope of educational management today is as vast as that of education itself. Any activity conducive
                                  to the, achievement of educational goal, is a part of educational management. Such activities could
                                  be at the school level, at the college level, at the university level or at the control level. Anything
                                  done to improve the quality of education at any stage may be ranging from the supply of material,
                                  human and financial resources to the highest cultural or academic needs-comes under the scope of
                                  educational management. Hence we shall consider the scope of educational management under the
                                  following heads.
                                  (1) Goal Development : The educational system is a sub-system of a society, and therefore the
                                     society not only provides human and non-human resources but also certain expectations that
                                     the system of education will achieve certain goal. Since society is in a constant process of change,
                                     needs of the society change an so do the goal specifications. It is necessary for the educative
                                     process to be responsive to these changing expectations and it is through the educational
                                     management system that persons involved in the process of management can continuously
                                     examine, evaluate and change (if appropriate) the goals of education.
                                  (2) Programme Planning and Actualization : According to the Oxford English Dictionary, Planning
                                     is “to design some actions to be done before hand”. Philips regards it is “the process of setting
                                     in advance a pattern of action to bring about overall national policies by the closest possible
                                     means and end.” Thus we can say that planning is the process of preparing a set of decisions

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