P. 224
Educational Management
Notes 5. researching the problems of teaching;
6. determining the desirable physical condition of teaching and
7. performing semi-administrative duties.
17.5 Types of Educational Supervision
The type of school supervision that can be cited are in terms of :
Laissez-faire type : This type of supervision utilizes inspectorial supervisory methods unaided by
any objective control, in which the teachers are observed, but noting is done to help them improve
the work they are doing. In other words. The teachers are left free; they are not to be imposed upon
or directed.
Coercive type : This type of supervision is the opposite of the laissez-faire. The supervisor visits the
teachers in order to observe them. The teachers acquired ready-made-procedure or standard
prescribed by the supervisors.
Training and Guidance type : This type of supervision emphasizes the improvements of teachers as
well as her technique through direction, training and guidance.
Democratic leadership type : It consists of the teacher’s cooperation in the formulation of policies,
plans and procedures. Supervisor observes teacher inside the classroom setting with the aim of
improving the teaching-learning situation via cooperation process or group action. The teachers,
supervisors and administrators are regarded as co-workers in a common task.
Administration represents the whole of the education system; supervision represent a
portion of it in terms of improving the total teaching-learning situation.
How is Laissez faire type of school supervision is different from coersive type of
supervision ?
17.6 Functions of Supervision
The scope of educational supervision can be further understood by defining its primary functions.
These may be enumerated as follows :
(1) Providing Leadership.
(2) Formulating Policies.
(3) Studying the Teaching-Learning Situations.
(4) Improving the Teaching-Learning Situations.
(5) Improving the Personnel.
(6) Improving Human Relations.
(7) Improving Group Interaction.
(8) Improving the Product of Education.