P. 63

Unit 5 : Planning for Different Types of Test

            (i)  Identifying the students who are having trouble or need help                        Notes
                First, one must know the learners who require help. For this you can administer a general
                achievement test based on the topics already taught. After evaluation you will be in a position
                to make lists of students who are below average, average or above average. Next, one has to
                locate the area where the error occurs in order to have a deeper insight into the pupils’
            (ii)  Locating the errors or learning difficulties
                After identifying the students who need help and visualising the necessity of additional
                instructional material to improve the quality of learning, your main role is to find out the area
                where the learner commits mistakes or which is the area where learning difficulties lie. For
                example we examine the pupils’ responses as follows :
                     3  5   8                        2  5   7
            (i)       +   =                     (ii)  +   =
                     4  4   4                        3  3   3
                      7   4   11                     4   5    9
            (iii)       +    =                  (iv)   +    =
                      12  12  12                     13  13   13
                     3  5   8                           3   4
            (v)       +   =                     (vi)  1  +   =
                     4  4   4                           4   4
                         5   8                          1   6
            (vii)     3 +    =                  (viii)5 +    =
                         7   7                          7   7
                     1  1   2                        3  4   7
            (ix)      +   =                     (x)   +   =
                     2  3   5                        7  5   12
                From the above example you would realize that the learner has the knowledge of adding
                fractions having the same denominator but the concept of addition of fractions having different
                demoninators is not clear to him even through it was taught in the classroom. Thus you have
                located the area where the learning difficulty lies.
            (iii) Discovering the causal factors of slow learning
                In some cases of learning difficulties, the causal factors are relatively simple. A student may be
                inattentive during teaching-learning or may be committing errors due to insufficient practice
                or irregular attendance.
                Sometimes the cause is ill-health or faulty work habits etc. It has also been observed sometimes
                that the basic cause of low achievement is a feeling of helplessness or the complexity of the
                subject-matter which perhaps is much above the level of their comprehension.
                Sequential presentation in Figure  1 shows how diagnosis leads to improved quality of learning.
                     Teaching-learning  Evaluation              Unsatisfactory
                                                                performance of pupils

                     Identify           Administer a            A case for
                     students           General Achievement     diagnosis
                     who need           Test or use the data
                     help               of previous testing

                     Locate             Identify        Provide       Improved
                     the area           causal          remedial      quality
                     of difficulty      factors         measures      of learning
                                               Figure : 1

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