P. 61
Unit 5 : Planning for Different Types of Test
careful item construction are necessary. In this section the construction of test questions is discussed. Notes
Guidelines for constructing test items are reviewed, and different item formats are presented.
The problems with most test items relate to reading load, clues embedded in the questions or
ambiguity in the phrasing of test items. The use of unnecessarily difficult vocabulary can confuse
students who otherwise could respond adequately. Tests with poorly constructed items are not
accurate measures of what students know and may not rank students in the same way as a well
constructed examination. The following guidelines provide examples of items with common flaws.
I. Reducing Errors Due to Reading Difficulty or Reading Speed
• Avoid writing items with an unnecessarily difficult vocaobulary.
Poor The promiscuous use of sprays, oils, Better Frequent use of sprays, oils and
and antiseptics in the nose during antiseptics in the nose during acute
acute colds is a pernicious practice colds may results in
because it may have a deleterious
effect on
A. the sinuses. A. spreading the infection to the
B. red blood cells. B. damage to the olfactory nerve.
C. white blood cells. C. destruction of white blodd cells.
• Avoid repeating words.
Poor Entomology is Better Entomology is the study of
A. the study of birds. A. birds.
B. the study of fish. B. fish.
C. the study of insects. C. insects.
What is Quellmalz framework ?
5.6 Planning for Essay Questions
Essay examinations are useful tools to evaluate students’ thought processes if they are constructed
to elicit more than a rehash of material presented in class. Unfortunately, essay examinations are
often subjectively and inconsistently scored. These problems may be related to the construction of
the essay items, reader bias, or to the scoring procedure. In this section, guidelines for improving
the reliability and validity of essay scores are presented and examples of essay topics are critiqued.
The following suggestions help to improve essay examinations :
1. Frame questions so that the task is clearly defined.
2. Specify the value and approximate time limit for each question.
3. Do not employ optional questions, but do use several essay question or a combination of essay,
short answer, and multiple choice questions.
4. Write a trial response to each essay question.