P. 177
Unit 19: Internship in Teaching—Organisation, Supervision
Modern Concept of Student-Teaching: Modern Internship Student-Teaching demands an almost Notes
dynamic approach by the student, because it is entirely different activity from the type just
described above.
Concept of Student-Teaching on the Basis of Above Statements: In the new sense, Student-
Teaching is a learning process that provides experiences for development towards good teaching.
It is a process through which a Student teacher secures guided experiences as a preparation for all
the aspect of his professional career.
Concept of Student-Teaching on the Basis Taxonomy of Objectives: Concept of Student-Teaching
on the basis of objectives of Student-Teaching, relating to three domains of cognitive, affective
and psychomotor, can be understood well which may be given in the following manner.
(a) The Cognitive Domain: Objective—I: The student teacher acquires knowledge and
understanding of the instructional planning, instructional preparations, instructional
evaluation, etc.
Specification—I: The student teacher (1) Recognizes (2) Recalls (3) Compares (4) Contrasts
(5) Discriminates (6) Generalizes (7) Detects and (8) Makes critical comments on the teaching
of other student teachers.
Objective—II: The student teacher applies the above knowledge and understandings to new
and unfamiliar teaching situations.
Specification—II: (a) The student teacher selects relevant books and materials; (2) Analyses
the content into teaching points; (3) Selects relevant activities, method and aids; (4) Judges
adequacy of methods, materials and aids; (5) Selects instructional materials, evaluation tool,
assignments; (6) Predicts student behaviour (7) Analyses the student result; and (8) Interprets
students performances.
(b) Affective Domain: Objective—III: The student teacher develops proper interests attitudes
and values relating to teaching profession and procedures.
Specification-III: The Student-Teaching teacher (1) Deals with student kindly for the
behavioural change of pupils outside the classroom also.
19.2 Objectives of Student-Teaching
The educational improvement and reconstruction both in pre-service and in-service education of
teacher play a crucial and critical role. In pre-service programme of teacher education, the crux is
Student-Teaching. The quality of pre-service teacher education programme depends on the quality
of teaching effectiveness for turning out teachers who will prove more effective both inside and
outside the classroom in moulding the future generation; Student-Teaching has necessarily to
become more effective.
For many years, Student-Teaching has been considered to be the most worthwhile requirement
in teacher education programme. Student-Teaching was viewed, at first, as opportunity for student
to develop a high level of competence in all phases of the teacher’s work. Thus, Student-Teaching
primarily is an experience, Programme. It is a practice period in the preparation of the teachers.
Here, the teacher learns by doing practice what all teachers have to do. With the rapid expansion
of education, the duties and responsibilities of the teachers today take him for beyond the boudaries
of the classroom. This presents new challenge to the teacher. Hence, the teacher in preparation
should be helped to realize his role not in the classroom but in the total school programme. The
teacher educator should be to establish proper relationships with the community, with the school
services and to develop proper attitude among student teachers towards the profession which he
has chosen to adopt for himself.
The following are the main objectives of Student-Teaching:
1. To teach in the art to teaching.