P. 18

Teacher Education

                   Notes               (iii)  Teacher Training (1882-1935): In this period was there a lot of emphasis was given on
                                           the improvement of primary education and extension of training schools for teachers.
                                  •   Sadlar Commission: The Sadlar Commission in 1919 was appointed to make recommendations
                                      for the improvement of Calcutta University. It emphasized on the role of university in the
                                      professional training of secondary school teachers.
                                  •   Hartong Committee: In 1929 Hartong Committee gave valuable recommendations about in
                                      service revaluation of teachers. Seminars, conferences and refresher courses should be
                                      organized for teachers who care already in service
                                  •   In 1937 Mahatma Gandhi gave the idea of Basic education which was self supporting and
                                  •   Sargant Commission: In 1944 John Sargant gave a comprehensive plan of improving the
                                      education system. Commission suggested three types of training schools:
                                     (i) Training schools for preparing teachers for pre-primary schools.
                                    (ii) Training schools for training teachers for primary level.
                                    (iii) Teacher training of Junior training schools.
                                  •   After Independence there were several changes in teacher education. In 1948 Radakrishnan
                                      Commission (University Education Commission) was established. It was mainly concerned
                                      with the university education but it has felt about the teacher training. Secondary education
                                      commission was existed in 1952 under the chairmanship of A.L. Mudaliar.
                                  •   This commission strands recommended the improvement of working conditions in the training
                                      colleges auditory to revise the social status of teacher.
                                  •   National education commission examined the whole education system and tried out to identify
                                      what the deficiencies are recorded then.
                                  •   Teacher education in five year plans planning started in India in 1951.
                                  •   In 1961, NCERT was set up NCERT started teacher education programme.
                                  •   It was recommended that UGC at national level and state boards of teacher education, in the
                                      states should assume the responsibility of maintain standards and implementing those
                                  •   Along with NCERT, SCERT and other agencies related to state government encourages teacher
                                      education at different levels in country.

                                  1.4 Keywords

                                  •   Pedagogy    : The study of teaching methods.
                                  •   Adequate    : A good amount of quantity for a particular purpose.
                                  •   Competency  : Ability or skill for doing a particular task or job.
                                  •   Sensitivity  : The ability to understand other people's feeling or a tendency to be easily
                                                    offended or upset by something

                                  1.5 Review Questions
                                  1.  Explain the meaning of teacher education.
                                  2.  Discribe the history of development of teacher edcuation.
                                  3.  What was the position of teacher education during IV and V five year plan?

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