P. 16
Teacher Education
Notes 3. Some orientation to professional education is necessary in higher education.
4. Newly appointed lecturers should be given some time to acclimatize themselves to the
institution and should be encouraged to attend lecture of good teachers.
5. Regular orientation courses for new staff should be organized in every university and possibly
in every college.
Creating Appropriate Agencies
1. It was recommended that U.G.C at national level and state Boards of teacher education in the
states should assume the responsibility of maintaining standards and implementing these
2. The U.G.C. should set up a joint standing committee on teacher education in collaboration
with N.C.E.R.T. This committee was also immediately constituted.
3. The U.G.C should provide funds for library to improve the standards of teacher education.
4. The commission recommended that there should be motivating programme for teacher
educators so that they take up research and contribute significantly to the development of
teacher education.
These were recommendations which were made by Kothari Commission to improve education
system. This was the commission who made larger number of recommendations and most of the
recommendations of this commission were implemented. There was always a big gap between
what was recommended and ideational level. The actual status of teacher education did not change
much on ideational level. But even after implementation it did not have any significant impact
upon teacher education.
Teacher Education in Five Year Plans: Planning started in India in 1951. The first three five year
plans would extend from 1951 to 1969 because third plan was delayed three years due to several
reasons. Prior to these plans in India almost half of the teacher population was untrained. In these
plans it was emphasized that need for trained teacher should be fulfilled. Therefore in all three
plans efforts were made to extend the facilities of teacher' training so that number of untrained
teacher should be reduced. This was the focus of first three plans. For that they recommend various
programmes to introduce, particularly for in-service teachers.
On the whole teacher education got 10% share of the total education. This programme resulted into
an increased output in training schools and training colleges. Output of training schools doubled
during 1955 to 1961 and increased three times in 1966. similarly, output if training colleges also
registered a very significant increase. As far as higher level programmes are concerned it may be
noted that as a result of these developmental efforts there were 29 institutions in 1966 providing
M.Ed. and Ph.D. courses. As the moment there is a large number such institutions.
In Sept. 1961 N.C.E.R.T. was set up, the consequence of this was that programmes of teacher education
received much effect. Many new programmes to improve teacher education were introduced by
teacher education department of N.C.E.R.T. and N.C.T.E.
Up to 1964, N.C.E.R.T. had no idea of doing for teacher education. It was in 1964 that N.C.E.R.T.
started teacher education programme. It was though that is without improving the quality of
teachers it is impossible to improve the schools.
In 1964 establishment of S.I.E. (State Institute of Education) and S.I. Sc. E. (State Institutes of Science
Education) took place. To upgrade science education at High school level, Science Institutes were
Teacher Education During IV and V five Year Plan Period: During the period 1969 to 1979 nothing
significant was done, the reason was the great economic depression in the country. Because of it
Government could not do significant for any developmental field. During this period priority was
given to expansion of elementary education with special emphasis on covering the backward
sections and girls. At this time correspondence and in-service programmes were too emphasized.
These plans provided correspondence courses for about 40,000 elementary teacher and 17,500
secondary teachers. As a result of this emphasis many departments of education and training colleges,