P. 23
Unit 2: Affective Teacher Education and Competency Based Teacher Education
through observation, limitation and practice. Notes
The arguments advanced in support of this approach stress on its effectiveness, simplicity and
common sense, "if you want to become an effective teacher, do what the effective teacher
does". Who, in general, seems to support this approach, argues for it on more sophisticated
grounds. On the basis of an examination of the nature of teaching, he concludes that teaching
is a highly personal business. The teacher should model himself on a more skilled adapting.
2.2.2 Master the Teacher Model—Process of Modelling
The second approach may be called as 'Master the Teaching Model. It is important to consider the
appropriate use of models in the solution of teaching problems. The term 'model' is used to a great
deal, and although it is assumed to have only one meaning. The teaching model can be developed
on the basis of a theoretical analysis of teaching behaviour taking into account, the objectives of
teacher education. Abilities of students, the process by which these objectives can be achieved, etc.,
there are different kinds of models and different reasons for developing models.
Implication of Modelling: According to Stolurow (1965), the constructed model may focus on the
development of a set of elements sufficient to achieve a particular objects. A variety of different
teaching models can be used to convert teacher activities into student learning. A model can be used
to convert teacher activities into student learning. A model is commitment to a position and can be
"The Master Teaching Model" approach to practical experience makes possible and necessary the
integration of theory and practice. This integration becomes not an abstract goal to be achieved
only, but a necessary, constant occurrence. This approach necessities precision and vigour. This
approach offers practical and unable help to all students irrespective of their personality traits,
attitudes and abilities. "A model is infinitely variable so that there is no contradiction between a
students' following theoretical model and his developing a personal teaching style".
"The Master Teaching Model" approach is adopted by those who regard teaching as a part of the
behavioral science. Teaching is behaviour in a social context and is, therefore, amenable to scientific
observation and analysis. The teaching behaviour is modifiable by the use of feedback devices.
2.2.3 Characteristics of Teacher Effectiveness
Teacher-effectiveness usually includes-mental abilities, teaching aptitude, academic qualification,
teaching experience and professional ethics. It is essential that effective teacher should have high
mental abilities, high academic qualification or mastery of the subject.
A.S. Barr and Mitzel (1967) have reviewed several studies of teacher-effectiveness and found that
teacher effectiveness is highly related to the ability of decision making, mental consciousness or
alertness and master of his subject or content. thus, the characteristics of teacher effectiveness can be
classified into three broad categories.
(i) Cognitive characteristics. (ii) Emotional characteristics.
(iii) Dynamic and skills related characteristics.
(i) Cognitive characteristics: The most important characteristics for an effective-teacher is that he
must have mastery and full understanding of his subject. At the time of admission in teacher-
education main emphasis should be given on the academic qualification of a candidate.
(ii) Emotional characteristics : This type of quality involves-emotions, adjustment, interest,
attitudes, values etc. It is related to professional ethics of teacher which is most important
characteristic of teacher. The doing aspect of teacher most effective than telling or saying. The
students imitate his teacher.
The classroom involvement of teacher in his presentation and demonstration, Motivates the
whole class. An effective teacher generates the social and emotional climate in his class by his
verbal and non-verbal behaviour or activities. A good teacher creates the conductive learning
situations in his classroom for better learning.