P. 267

Unit 28: Construction and Development of Curriculum on Teacher Education—Meaning, Importance

            5. Health Education                          This should include also mental hygiene.    Notes
                                                         Student-teacher should have concern
                                                         about their possible role in safe-guarding
                                                         the mental and physical health of school

            28.4 Specific Objectives of Teacher Education

            These objectives may be classified into three heads: understanding skills and attitude objectives:
            1.  Understanding Objectives: It includes the following aspects:
              (a) Knowledge of the structure, functions and interaction of society.
              (b) Understanding of child development and learning process.
              (c) Understanding of the problems of growing child.
              (d) Knowledge of school organization and administration.
              (e) Knowledge and understanding of examination and evaluation techniques.
            2.  Skills Objectives: It includes the following skills:
              (a) Ability and skills to use various teaching methods.
              (b) Develop teaching skills and competencies to deal the subjects.
              (c) The skills for effective communication and harnessing motivation.
              (d) Ability to formulate specific objectives of teaching.
              (e) Ability to use the evaluative techniques and co-curricular activities.
            3.  Attitudes objectives: It includes the following components:
              (a) Healthy and positive attitude towards teaching profession.
              (b) Scientific and objectives attitude towards the problems of teaching.
              (c) Should have a democratic and nationalistic outlook?
              (d) Sympathetic attitude for the problems of the student and give proper guidance.
            B.Ed. Programme
            In view of the above objectives the following courses of theory and practice are taught.
            Theory courses carry 700 marks.
            Practice of teaching 300 marks.
            The programme ahs the following theory courses.
            1.  Teacher in Emerging Indian Society.
            2.  Development of Learner and Teaching Learning Process.
            3.  Essential of Educational Technology and Management.
            4.  Development of Educational system in India.
            Specializaton or optional course one:
              (a) Educational and Mental Measurement.
              (b) Educational Management and Administration.
              (c) Career Information and Career Guidance.
              (d) Teaching Values.
              (e) Environmental Education.
               (f) Computer Education.
              (g) Physical Education
              (h) Elementary Education.

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