P. 268
Teacher Education
Notes Methods of teaching two school subjects: The following are school subject any two subjects are
offered for teaching practice.
(A) 1. Physics 2. Chemistry 3. Biology and 4. General Science.
(B) 5. Mathematics 6. Home Science 7. Hindi 8. Sanskrit 9. English 10. History 11. Geography 12.
Economic 13. Civics 14. Social Studies 15. Agriculture and 16. Commerce.
Each student teacher has to teach at least 20 lesson on each subject. Thus forty lessons are
compulsory for appearing in practical final examination. Model lesson or demonstration lessons
are given by the subject experts. Recent time micro teaching and simulated lessons are organized
in most of the B.Ed. departments and college of education. In the final examination two lessons
one in each subject are taught by the student teachers. Sectional work is to be submitted before
the practical examination. The procedure of practical examination varies university to university,
but divisions are given theory and practice of teaching separately.
Seminars on Problems of Schools and Education: Student-teacher should also be well introduced
to some of the major problems of secondary school and to some extent of the Indian education so
that he can visualize his professional perspective. But this can be better handled through seminars
and discussions. It would therefore be necessary to provide for few seminars to help student
teachers to understand the problems of schools and education.
Courses are not to be heavily loaded: The courses listed above would raise a possible comment
that there is not much improvement in the present B.Ed./D.Ed., course the number of theory
subjects remains mostly the same. This comment can be met with by ensuring that the course-
contents should be brief, sharp and pertinent to the goals of preparation of competent classroom
teachers. The current B.Ed./D.Ed., theory papers have a lot of theory contents which do not
directly contribute to the preparation of effective classroom teachers, and can be safely eliminated.
They are the relics of the past. A course should at best be such as can be covered in 12 to 15
lectures. We should go in for well-structured, sharply-focused theory courses.
(b) Develop teaching skills and competencies to deal the subjects.
(c) The skills for effective communication and harnessing motivation.
(d) Ability to formulate specific objectives of teaching.
(e) Ability to use the evaluative techniques and co-curricular activities.
What are the objectives of national curriculum of teacher-education?
Self Assessment
2. State whether the following statements are 'True' or 'False':
(i) The curriculum has the broader field then syllabus.
(ii) The national curriculum of teacher-education is designed by NCTE.
(iii) Theoretical and practical aspect are included in teacher-education.
(iv) National curriculum of teacher-education has been introduced in 1995.
28.5 Summary
• There is a great need of a clear analysis and a correct answer to come fundamental issues
before a new or appropriate curriculum of teacher education.
• There are commission recommendations about teacher education curriculum in the unit.
• In this unit we have discussed about role of teacher in teacher education curriculum.