P. 89
Unit 11: Identification, Causes Problems of Speech and Hearing Impaired
(e) Malnutrition: Malnutrition is another such cause. In addition RH-incompatibility, Notes
emotional trauma, brain fever, brain tumour and certain neurological factors do their
part in affecting hearing capacity of the infant adversely.
2. Causes During Birth of Hearing Impaired: During birth there are certain factors which affect
hearing loss. Lack of oxygen use of forceps in delivery, instrumental delivery, premature delivery
followed immediately by jaundice, use of anaesthetic agents in delivery do cause hearing
3. Causes After birth of Hearing Impaired: The causes which affect hearing loss after birth in
children are measles, mumps, whooping cough, meningitis, typhoid fever, encephalitis, infections
in nasal cavities, Eustachian tube, middle ear infection, ear discharge etc. All these lead to hearing
loss. Ear discharge is more prominent among the causes.
Adequate awareness on the part of parents can prevent the hearing handicap, Early follow-up
services for checking expectant mother's health and health of the new born can prevent hearing
impairment and associated problems.
4. Causes of Hearing Impaired: Hearing loss may not necessarily be due to organic factors but to
psychological and psychiatric reasons. There has been differential focus. The psychological and
psychiatric reasons. There has been differential focus. The otologist looks for medical and surgical
intervention, and audiologist suggests amplification and therapeutic management but for an
educator or resource teacher emphasis on language development is crucial remedial step.
5. Neurological of Hearing Impaired: Besides organic causes which are responsible for hearing
loss. The sensorineural hearing loss is associated with actual neurological transmission of sound.
Such hearing loss results from damage to the sensory walls within cochlea or the auditory
nerve both because of genetic and/or environmental factors.
11.2.3 Problems of Hearing Impaired Children
Hearing impairments can be viewed from an educational perspective but also from the large
perspective of their effects on the child's overall adjustment. The problems and special needs of hearing
impaired children have been summarized in a tabular form.
The speech and hearing problems of deaf children needing special care varies according to category
of hearing impairments.
Problems of Hearing Impaired Children
Level Speech and Hearing Problems Special Needs
1. Hearing thresholds Speech is normal. Follows normal Needs no special attention.
with in 25 dB with pattern of development with good
normal Hearing. auditory perceptive skills.
2. Hearing threshold 26 Exhibits difficulty in hearing faint Will benefit from special
to 40 dB. Mild speech, speech at distance of speech seating in the class. Hearing
hearing loss. with background noise. Speech and aid is beneficial. Parents and
language developments are within teachers should be educated on
normal limits. May exhibit occasional the Child's problems in
auditory perecption problems some understanding due to hearing
educational retardation likely. loss.
3. 41 to 55 dB moderate Language development and speech They should well to hearing
hearing-loss are mildly affected. Difficulty with aids and amplification, early
rarely used words, minor differences speech and language training
in meaning of words and idioms, and parent counselling
defective articulation but still indicated speech and language
intelligible speech loss quality and development to be monitored.
inflection almost normal. Reading and Special seating, supportive.
writting are delayed.
Sources : NCERT