P. 332

Literary Criticism and Theories

                  Notes          29.7 Key-Words

                                 1. Affective fallacy : Term used by W.K. Wimsatt and Monroe Beardsley to designate what
                                                     they see as the error of making subjective responses (congnitive or
                                                     emotional) the criteria for interpretive, critical or aesthetic judgements.
                                 2. Allegory       : (Gk. ‘other speaking’)  a narrative which—through allusion, metaphor,
                                                     symbolism, etc. can be read not simply on its own terms but as telling
                                                     another, quite different story at the same time.
                                 3. Alliteration   : Repeated consonant sounds, particularly at the beginning of words, e.g.
                                                     ‘kiddies’ clobber’, ‘mountains of moonstone’.

                                 29.8 Review Questions
                                 1. Discuss Umberto Eco’s life and work.
                                 2. What are the major works of Umberto Eco?
                                 3. Explain history and war background.
                                 4. Write a short note on Casablanca.
                                 Answers: Self-Assessment
                                 1.  (i)(a)         (ii)(c)        (iii)(c)       (iv)(b)

                                 29.9 Further Readings

                                              1.  Hutcheon, Linda A poetics of postmodernism, London: Routledge, 1988.
                                              2.  Kennedy, X.J., Dana Gioia, Mark Bauerlein, Handbook of Literary Terms:
                                                  Literature, Language, Theory, 1st edition, New Delhi: Pearson, 2007.
                                              3.  Lodge, David (ed.) Twentieth Century Literary Criticism, London: Longman,
                                              4.  Rice, Philip and Patricia Waugh (eds.) A Modern Literary Theory: A Reader, 3rd
                                                  edition, London: Arnold, 1999.
                                              5.  Sethuraman, V.S. and Ramaswamy (eds.) The English Critical Tradition, Volume
                                                  II, New Delhi, Macmillan, 1977.
                                              6.  Seturaman, V.S. (ed.) Contemporary Criticism: An Anthology, New Delhi:
                                                  Macmillan, 2008.

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