P. 282
bdkbZµ23% oSKkfud fo"k;ksa dk vuqoknµ Lo:i
13- gyar% u, viuk, gq, 'kCnksa esa vko';drkuqlkj gyar dk iz;ksx djds mUgsa lgh :i esa fy[kuk pkfg,A uksV
14- iape o.kZ dk iz;ksx% iape o.kZ ds LFkku ij vuqLokj dk iz;ksx djuk pkfg,] ijarq lens, patent vkfn
'kCnksa dk fyI;arj.k ysal] isVsUV u djds ysUl] isVsaV gh djuk pkfg,A oSKkfud vuqokn dk ,d uewuk ns[ksaA
;g vuqokn foKku ds vuqHkoh vuqoknd }kjk fd;k x;k gS%
The carbon atom has four valence electrons. The hydrogen atom has one valence electron. The
carbon atom shared its four valence electrons with four different hydrogen atoms to form a stable
arrangement. Each pair of electrons shared between the carbon atom and one of the hydrogen
atoms constitutes a single bond and is referred to as a covalent bond. There are four such covalent
bond between the single carbon atoms and the four hydrogen atoms. Interestingly, the four covalent
bonds around a carbon atom tend to be 'as far away' from each other as possible. This can be
achieved by the bonds pointing towards the corners of a regular tertrahedron.
vuqokn% dkcZu v.kq ds pkj la;kstd bySDVªkWu gSa] gkbMªkstu v.kq dk ,d la;kstd bySDVªkWu gS] dkcZu v.kq
vius pkj la;kstd bySDVªkWuksa dks pkj vyx&vyx gkbMªkstu v.kqvksa ls ck¡Vrk gS ftlls fLFkj foU;kl curk
gSA dkcZu v.kq vkSj ,d gkbMªkstu v.kq ds chp c¡Vs nks bySDVªkWuksa ls ,d ckaM curk gS ftls lg la;kstd ckaM
dgk tkrk gSA ,d dkcZu v.kq vkSj pkj gkbMªkstu v.kq ds chp ,sls pkj lg&la;kstd ckaM gksrs gSaA jkspd
rF; ;g gS fd dkcZu v.kq ds pkjksa vksj ds pkj lg&la;kstd ckaM ,d&nwljs ls ^;FkklaHko nwj* jgus dh izo`fÙk
okys gksrs gSaA ;g rc gh laHko gks ldrk gS tc ;s ckaM ,d le prq"iQyd ds pkj dksuksa dk LFkku ysaA
oqQN ,sls 'kCnksa dk mnkgj.k nhft, tks orZeku ekud orZuh osQ vuqlkj iape o.kZ u fy[kdj
vuqLokj (a) osQ :i esa fy[kk tkus yxk gSA ;Fkk&vUr dk lgh ekud :i varA
oSKkfud vuqokn dk nwljk uewuk ns[ksa%
When the steam pushes the piston, some kinetic energy of the water molecules will be transferred
to the Piston and the crankshaft attached to it and consequently they are set into motion. The
steam expands and loses some of its heat energy. As a result it condenses into water. The piston
is than pushed back intothe cylinder. Fresh hot steam is again introduced into the cylinder after
letting out the condensed water. The fresh steam again pushes the piston out and the cycle is
repeated. When the piston is pushed out by the expanding steam. it is called the expansion stroke.
When the piston moves back pushing out condensed steam, it is called the exhaust stroke.
vuqokn% tc ok"i fiLVu dks vkxs /dsyrk gS rc tyk.kqvksa dh dqN xfrt mQtkZ fiLVu vkSj mlesa layXu
vjkynaM dks varfjr gks tkrh gS] ftlls os xfr idM+rs gSaA ok"i foLrkfjr gksrk gS vkSj viuh dqN rki mQtkZ
[kksrk gS ftlls og ?kuhHkwr gksdj ty cu tkrk gSA mlds ckn fiLVu okil csyu esa /dsyk tkrk gSA ?kuhHkwr
ty ds ckgj fudkyus ds ckn u, fljs ls xje ok"i dks csyu esa NksM+k tkrk gSA ;g ok"i fiQj ls fiLVu
dks ckgj /dsyrh gS vkSj blh izdkj bl pØ dh vko`fÙk gksrh gS] tc foLrh.kZ ok"i }kjk fiLVu dks ckgj
/dsyk tkrk gS rks bls foLrkj pj.k dgrs gSa] tc ?kuhHkwr ok"i dks ckgj /dsyrs gq, fiLVu okil vius LFkku
ij tkrk gS rc mls fu"dkl (exhaust) pj.k dgrs gSaA
mDr nksuksa uewuk vuqoknksa esa lkekU; 'kCnkoyh dk iz;ksx djds vuqokn fd;k x;k gSA ;g vuqokn vFkZizs"k.k
esa rFkk ewy ds led{k gSA vr% oSKkfud vuqokn esa ,sls LFkkuksa ij ikfjHkkf"kd 'kCnkoyh ds LFkku ij lkekU;
'kCnkoyh dk Hkh iz;ksx fd;k tk ldrk gSA oSKkfud lkfgR; dk vuqokn djrs le; tgk¡ lkekU; 'kCnkoyh
esa vFkZ&laizs"k.k dfBu yxrk gks ogk¡ dks"Bd esa vaxzsth 'kCn nsuk vf/d vPNk gksrk gSA