P. 322
Real Analysis
Notes 26.7 Summary
The definition of outer measure of sets.
Outer measure of an interval is its length.
Some important properties of Outer measure.
The definition of Measurable sets.
Countable union of measurable sets is also measurable.
Countable intersection of measurable sets is also measurable.
Every Borel set is measurable.
Littlewood’s First Principle.
26.8 Keywords
Lindelof’s Theorem: Let C be a collection of open subsets of . Then there is a countable
sub-collection {O } i i of C such that
O = O
O C i 1 i
Lebesgue Measure: The family of all measurable sets is denoted by M. We will see later M is a
-algebra and translation-invariant containing all intervals. The set function m: M [0, ¥]
defined by
m(E) = m*(E) for all E M
is called Lebesgue measure.
O = O i
O C i 1
Littlewood’s 1st Principle: Every measurable set of finite measure is nearly a finite union of
disjoint open intervals, in the sense.
Measurable Functions: A function f: E [-¥, ¥] is said to be measurable (or measurable on E) if
E M and
f ((a, ¥]) M
for all a .
26.9 Review Questions
1. Prove that the family M of measurable sets is an algebra.
2. If E , E , ….En are measurable, prove that E U E … E is measurable.
1 2 1 2 n
3. If E and E are measurable sets, then prove that E E is also measurable.
1 2 1 2
4. Prove that properties (i) to (v) are equivalent to (vi), if m*E is finite.
5. Show that if E is measurable, then each translate E + y is also measurable.
6. Show that if E and E are measurable, then m(E E ) + m(E |E ) = mE + mE .
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
7. Let {E } be a sequence of disjoint measurable sets and A be any set.
Show that m* A ¥ E = å m *(A E )
i 1 i 1