P. 322

Real Analysis

                    Notes          26.7 Summary

                                      The definition of outer measure of sets.
                                      Outer measure of an interval is its length.
                                      Some important properties of Outer measure.

                                      The definition of Measurable sets.
                                      Countable union of measurable sets is also measurable.
                                      Countable intersection of measurable sets is also measurable.
                                      Every Borel set is measurable.
                                      Littlewood’s First Principle.

                                   26.8 Keywords

                                   Lindelof’s Theorem: Let C  be  a  collection  of open  subsets  of  .  Then there is a  countable
                                   sub-collection {O } i i  of C such that
                                                                      O  =    O
                                                                   O C    i 1  i
                                   Lebesgue Measure: The family of all measurable sets is denoted by M. We will see later M is a
                                   -algebra and translation-invariant containing  all intervals. The set function m:  M  [0, ¥]
                                   defined by
                                                         m(E) = m*(E)  for all E  M
                                   is called Lebesgue measure.

                                                           O  =   O  i
                                                         O C    i 1
                                   Littlewood’s 1st Principle: Every measurable set of finite measure is nearly a finite union of
                                   disjoint open intervals, in the sense.
                                   Measurable Functions: A function f: E  [-¥, ¥] is said to be measurable (or measurable on E) if
                                   E  M and

                                                                   f ((a, ¥])  M
                                   for all a  .

                                   26.9 Review Questions

                                   1.  Prove that the family M of measurable sets is an algebra.
                                   2.  If E , E , ….En are measurable, prove that E  U E  …  E  is measurable.
                                          1  2                            1   2      n
                                   3.  If E  and E  are measurable sets, then prove that E   E  is also measurable.
                                          1     2                               1  2
                                   4.  Prove that properties (i) to (v) are equivalent to (vi), if m*E is finite.
                                   5.  Show that if E is measurable, then each translate E + y is also measurable.

                                   6.  Show that if E  and E  are measurable, then m(E   E ) + m(E |E ) = mE + mE .
                                                   1    2                     1   2     1  2     1    2
                                   7.  Let {E } be a sequence of disjoint measurable sets and A be any set.
                                       Show that m*  A    ¥  E =  å  m *(A  E )
                                                       i 1   i 1
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