P. 317
Unit 26: Lebesgue Measure
Proof: Easy! One can find a piecewise linear function g with the stated property. Notes
Definition: Let E M. A function f: E is called a simple function if there exists a , a ,..., a
1 2 n
and E , E ,..., E M such that
1 2 n
(2) f = å a
i E i
i 1
Note Step function is simple, is simple but not step function.
Proposition: Let f: [a, b] be a simple function. For any > 0, there is a step function : [a,
b] such that f = except on a set of measure less than .
Proof: Let f be given by (2), we may assume E ,E ,...,E E. By Littlewood’s 1st Principle, there is
1 2 n
a finite union of disjoint open intervals U such that m(U E ) < /n. Then
i i i
k n
f = å a except on A = (U E ),
i U i i i
i 1 i 1
where m(A) < å i 1 /n = .
Notes One can find a continuous function with the same property. Moreover, if f satisfies
m f M on [a, b] then can be chosen such that m M (reason: replace by (m )
M if necessary).
26.6 Measurable Functions
Definition: A function f: E [-¥, ¥] is said to be measurable (or measurable on E) if E M and
f ((a, ¥]) M
for all a .
In fact, there is a more general definition for measurability which we will not use here. The
definition goes as follows.
Definition: Let X be a measurable space and Y be a topological space. A function f: X Y is called
measurable if f (V) is a measurable set in X for every open set V inY.
Notes Simple functions, step functions, continuous functions and monotonic functions
are measurable.
Proposition: Let E M and f : E [–¥, ¥]. Then the following four statements are equivalent:
f ((a, ¥]) M for all a .
f ([a, ¥]) M for all a .
f ([–¥, a)) M for all a .
f ([–¥, a]) M for all a .