P. 316
Real Analysis
Notes k
Take U = n 1 I . Note that m(O \ U) = m(O) – m(U) < /2, so
m(U E) = m(U\E) + m(E\U)
m(O\E) +m(O\U)
< + = .
2 2
The finiteness assumption is essential here. The above result is false if we allow E to have
infinite measure. A counter example is E = ¥ n 1 (2n, 2n + 1).
To show (6) (2) (without finiteness assumption m*(E) < ¥)
Let > 0 be given and U be a finite union of open intervals. Then m*(E\U) <, we take an open
set O E\U such that m*(O) < (how to do this?). Then O = U O is an open set containing
E with m*(O\E) m*(U\E) + m*(O) < 2 .
Task Let A , prove that there is a measurable set B A with m*(A) = m*(B).
26.5 Step Functions and Simple Functions
Definition: A function : [a, b] is called step function if
(x) = c (x < x < x )
i i–1 i
for some partition {x , x ,...,x } of [a, b] and some constants c , c ,..., c .
0 1 n 1 2 n
Lemma: Let , be step functions on [a, b]. Then ± , + , , , and are
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
all step functions, where , . Also, if 0 on [a,b], then / is also step function.
2 1 2
Note (f g)(x) = min{f(x), g(x)} and (f g)(x) = max{f(x), g(x)}.
Lemma: Let be a step function on [a,b] and let > 0. Then there is a continuous function g on
[a, b] such that = g on [a, b] except on a set of measure less than , i.e.
m({ x [a, b] :(x) g(x)}) < .
Figure 26.1: An Example of Step Function