P. 381

Unit 31: The Integral of a Non-negative Function

          Lebsegue Dominated Convergence Theorem: Suppose a sequence  of measurable functions {f }  Notes
          defined on E converges pointwisely a.e. on E to f. If|f | £ g on E for some integrable function g,
          then  f  converges to  f .
                              E ò
               E ò
          31.5 Review Questions
          1.   For a non-negative measurable function f defined on E, show that  ò  f =  E ò c A for any A Í E.
               Also show that  ò  f £  B ò  f  if A  B  E.
          2.   Show that if A, B C E are disjoint and f is a non-negative measurable function defined on
               E, then  ò  f =  A ò  f +  B ò  f .
                      AÈ B
          3.   Show that if f is a non-negative measurable function defined on E and  ò  f =  0 , then f = 0
               a.e. on E.
          4.   Show that if f is a non-negative measurable function defined on E and   ò  f <  , then f is
               finite a.e.
          5.   Show that w may have strict inequality in Fatou’s Lemma.
               (Hint: Consider the sequence {fn} defined by fn(x) = 1 if n x < n + 1,with fn(x) = 0 otherwise.)
          6.   Show that the monotone convergence theorem need not hold for decreasing sequence of
               (Hint: Let fn(x) = 0, if x < n, fn(x) = 1 for xn.)
          7.   Show that if f and g are measurable and y |f| £ |g| a.e., and if g is integrable, then prove
               that f is intergrable.

          Answers: Self  Assessment

          1.    A ò  f  = sup{ A ò j j £  f on A, j Î B (E) }  2.  bounded measurable functions
          3.   non-negative function             4.  increasing sequence
          5.   measurable function               6.   A ò  f £  A ò  g

          7.   lim  E ò  g =  E ò  g <          8.  converges to
               n   n

          31.6 Further Readings

           Books      Walter Rudin: Principles of Mathematical Analysis (3rd edition), Ch. 2, Ch. 3.
                      (3.1-3.12), Ch. 6 (6.1 - 6.22), Ch.7(7.1 - 7.27), Ch. 8 (8.1- 8.5, 8.17 - 8.22).
                      G.F.  Simmons: Introduction  to Topology and Modern  Analysis,  Ch.  2(9-13),
                      Appendix 1, p. 337-338.

                      Shanti Narayan: A Course of Mathematical Analysis, 4.81-4.86, 9.1-9.9, Ch.10,Ch.14,
                      Ch.15(15.2, 15.3, 15.4)
                      T.M. Apostol: Mathematical Analysis, (2nd Edition) 7.30 and 7.31.

                      S.C. Malik: Mathematical Analysis.
                      H.L. Royden: Real Analysis, Ch. 3, 4.

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