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                      Notes               Further, if there are m elementary events in an event A, we have,

                                                1  1       1           m   n ( ), . .,A i e number    elements    A
                                                ( )   +  +   ......  +      (  timesm  )  
                                          P A
                                               n  n        n           n   n ( ), . .,S i e number    elements    S
                                         We note that the above  expression is  similar to the formula obtained under  classical
                                    2.   Using Statistical Definition
                                         Using this definition, the assignment of probabilities to various elementary events of a
                                         sample space can be done by repeating an experiment a large number of times or by using
                                         the past records.
                                    3.   Subjective Assignment
                                         The assignment of probabilities on the basis of the statistical and the classical definitions
                                         is  objective.  Contrary  to  this, it  is  also  possible  to  have  subjective  assignment  of
                                         probabilities. Under the  subjective assignment, the probabilities to various  elementary
                                         events are assigned on the basis of the expectations or the degree of belief of the statistician.
                                         These probabilities, also known as personal probabilities, are very useful in the analysis
                                         of various business  and economic  problems where  it is neither possible  to repeat the
                                         experiment nor the outcomes are equally likely.
                                         It is obvious from the above that the Modern Definition of probability is a general one
                                         which includes the classical and the statistical definitions as its particular cases. Besides
                                         this, it provides  a  set of mathematical rules that  are useful for  further  mathematical
                                         treatment of the subject of probability.

                                    7.2 Theorems on Probability

                                    Theorem 1.

                                     P ( )   , where    is a null set.
                                    For a sample space S of an experiment, we can write  S     S .
                                    Taking probability of both sides, we have  P S g b
                                                                                P Sg .
                                    Since S and     are mutually exclusive, using axiom III, we can write
                                                P(S) + P(f ) = P(S). Hence, P f b g =0.
                                    Theorem 2.

                                    P A d i =1- P A a f, where  A  is compliment of A.
                                    Let A be any event in the sample space S. We can write
                                                                      P Sg
                                                A   A  S  or  Pd A  i b
                                                                 A 
                                    Since A and  A are mutually exclusive, we can write

                                                P A a f+P A d i = P S a f =1. Hence, P A d i =1- P A a f.

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