Page 200 - DMTH503_TOPOLOGY
P. 200


                    Notes          22.3 Keywords

                                   Compact Set: Let (X, T) be a topological space and A X. A is said to be a compact set if every
                                   open covering of A is reducible to finite sub-covering.
                                   Maximal: Let (A, ) be a partially ordered set. An element a A is called a maximal element of
                                   A if  no element in A which strictly dominates a, i.e.
                                                        x a for every comparable element x  A.
                                   Projection Mappings: The mappings
                                           x  ; X Y   X s.t.   x (x,y) x (x,y) X Y
                                           y ; X Y   Y s.t.  y (x,y)   y (x,y) X Y
                                   are called projection maps of X × Y onto X and Y space respectively.
                                   Tychonoff Space: It is a completely regular space which is also a T -space i.e.  T = [CR] +  T .
                                                                                        1         3  1      1
                                   Upper bound: Let A R be any given set. A real number b is called an upper bound for the set A
                                                                   x   b   x  A.
                                   22.4 Review Questions

                                   1.  Let X be a space. Let D be a collection of subsets of X that is maximal with respect to the
                                       finite intersection  property.
                                       (a)  Show that  x D   for every D  if any only if every neighbourhood of x belongs to
                                            . Which implication uses maximality of ?
                                       (b)  Let D . Show that if A D, then A .
                                       (c)  Show that if X satisfies the T  axion, there is at most one point belonging to    D.
                                                                   1                                      D
                                   2.  A collection  of subsets of X has the countable intersection property if every countable
                                       intersection of elements of  is non-empty. Show that X is a Lindelöf space if any only if
                                       for every collection  of subsets of X having the countable intersection property,
                                                                         A
                                       is non-empty.

                                   22.5 Further Readings

                                   Books       Bimmons, Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis.

                                               Nicolas Bourbaki, Elements of Mathematics.

                                   Online links

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