Page 212 - DMTH503_TOPOLOGY
P. 212
Notes This step involve a new trick. The previous trick, used several times, consisted of ordering the
sets in some way and forming a new set by subtracting off all the previous ones. That trick
shrinks the sets; to expand them we need something different. We shall introduce an auxiliary
locally finite closed covering of X and use it to expand the element of .
For each point x of X, there is a neighbourhood of x that intersects only finitely many elements
of . The collection of all open sets that intersect only finitely many element of is thus an open
covering of X. Using (3) again, let be a closed refinement of this covering that covers X and is
locally finite. Each element of intersect only finitely many elements of .
For each element B of , let
(B) = {C : C ad C X – B}
Then define E(B)X = X C
C (B)
Because is locally finite collection of closed sets, the union of the elements of any subcollection
of is closed by lemma, therefore the set E(B) is an open set. Furthermore, E(B) B by definition.
Now we may have expanded each B too much; the collection {E(B)} may not be a refinemet of .
This is easily remedied. For each B , choose an element F(B) of containing B. Then define
= {E(B) F (B)| B }.
The collection is a refinement of A. Because B (E(B) F(B)) and covers X, the collection
also covers X.
We have finally to prove that is locally finite. Given a point x of X, choose a neighbourhood
W of x that intersects only finitely may elements of , say C , ..., C . We show that W intersects
1 k
only finitely many elements of . Because covers X, the set W is covered by C ,...C . thus, it
1 K
suffices to show that each element C of . Now if C intersects the set E (B) F(B), then it intersects
E(B), so by definition of E(B) it is not contained in X–B; hence C must intersect B. Since C
intersects, only finitely many elements of , it can intersect at most the same number of elements
of the collection .
Theorem 3: Every metrizable space is paracompact.
Proof: Let X be a metrizable space. We already know from Lemma 2 that, given an open covering
of X, it has an open refinement that covers X and is countably locally finite. The preceding
lemma then implies that has an open refinement that covers X and is locally finite.
Example 4: The product of two paracompact spaces need not be paracompact. The space
is paracompact, for it is regular and Lindelöf. However, × is not paracompact, for it is
Hausdorff but not normal.
Self Assessment
3. Show that Paracompactness is a topological property.
4. If every open subset of a paracompact space is paracompact, then every subset is
paracompact. Prove it.
24.3 Summary
Let X be a topological space. A collection of subsets of X is said to be locally finite in X
if every point of X has a neighbourhood that intersects only finitely many elements of .