Page 213 - DMTH503_TOPOLOGY
P. 213
Unit 24: Local Finiteness and Paracompactness
A collection of subsets of X is said to be countably locally finite is can be written as the Notes
countable union of collections , each of which is locally finite.
Let be a collection of subsets of space X. A collection of subsets of X is said to be a
refinement of if for each element B of , there is an element A of containing B. If the
elements of are open sets, we call an open refinement of ; if they are closed sets, we
call a closed refinement.
A space X is paracompact if every open covering of X has a locally finite open refinement
that covers X.
24.4 Keywords
Metrizable: Any topological space (X, T) if it a possible to find a metric on X which induces the
topology T i.e. the open sets determined by the metric are precisely the members of T, then X
is said to the metrizable.
Open Cover: Let (X, T) be a topological space and A X let G denote a family of subsets of X. G
is called a cover of A if A {G : G G}.
24.5 Review Questions
1. Give an example to show that if X is paracompact, it does not follow that for every open
covering of X, there is a locally finite subcollection of that covers X.
2. (a) Show that the product of a paracompact space and a compact space is paracompact.
[Hint: Use the tube lemma.]
(b) Conclude that S is not paracompact.
3. Is every locally compact Hausdorff space paracompact?
4. (a) Show that if X has the discrete topology, then X is paracompact.
(b) Show that if f : X Y is continuous and X is paracompact, the subspace f(X) of Y need
not be paracompact.
5. (a) Let X be a regular space. If X is a countable union of compact subspace of X, then X is
(b) Show is paracompact as a subspace of w in the box topology.
6. Let X be a regular space.
(a) Show that if X is a finite union of closed paracompact subspaces of X, then X is
(b) If X is a countable union of closed paracompact subspaces of X whose interiors cover
X, show X is paracompact.
7. Find a point-finite open covering of that is not locally finite (The collection is point
finite if each point of lies in only finitely many elements of ).
8. Give an example of a collection of sets that is not locally finite, such that the collection
= {A/A } is locally finite.
9. Show that if X has a countable basis, a collection of subsets of X is countably locally
finite if and only if it is countable.
10. Consider w in the uniform topology. Given n, let be the collection of all subsets of w
of the form A ; where A = for i n and A equals either {0} or {1} otherwise. Show that
i i i
collection = is countably locally finite, but neither countable nor locally finite.