P. 244

Unit 16: Classifications of Integrals of the First Order Partial Differential Equations

                                     dz       x  xy
          and                     q     =  f      2  q                            ...(16)
                                     dy       z  z
                                      p    yz xyp
          so                            =
                                      q    xz xyq
          or                   pxz   xypq = yzq   xypq

          or                   z(px   qy) = 0
          is the answer.

          Self Assessment

          1.   Eliminate the constants a and b from the equation
               ax  + by  + z  = 1
          2.   Eliminate the arbitrary function from the equation
               F(x  + y  + z , z    2xy) = 0
          16.2 Classes of Integrals of a Partial Differential Equation
          Let us consider the partial differential equation of the form
                             F(x, y, z, p, q) = 0                                  ...(1)

          in which the function  F is not necessarily linear in  p and  q. We saw earlier that the solution
          involving two parameter system of equation can be of the form
                             f(x, y, z, a, b) = 0                                  ...(2)

          Any envelope of the system (2) must also be a solution of the differential equation (1). In this
          way we are led to three classes of integrals of a partial differential equation of type (1):
          (a)  Two parameter systems of surfaces f(x, y, z, a, b) = 0.

               Such an integral is called complete integral.
          (b)  If we take any one parameter subsystem
                                         f(x, y, z, a,  (a)) = 0
               of the system (2) and form its envelope, we obtain a solution of equation (1). When the
               function  (a) which defines the  subsystem is  arbitrary, the solution obtained is  called
               general integral of (1) corresponding to the complete integral (2).

               When a definite function  (a) is used we obtain a particular case of the general integral.
          (c)  If the envelope of the two parameter system (2) exists, it is also a solution of the equation
               (1), it is called the singular integral of the equation.

                 Example 1: Show that
                                      z = ax + by + a  + b 2                       ...(1)
          is the complete integral of partial differential equation
                                      z = px + qy + p  + q 2                       ...(2)

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