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Sociological Thought
notes an object that has no consciousness; when Marx has not mentioned any object without consiousness
in this theory. In this theory Marx has talked about social changes, which occur according to him,
due to economic reasons. Therefore this theory of Marx should be called ‘the economic system of
History’.” Even Cole prefers to call, it ‘The Economic Definition of History’.
Dialectical materialism
Marx did not accept the dialectical spiritualism of Hegel and based his philosophy on dialectical
materialism. Accoding to Hegel’s belief, all material things, nature etc are a part of ‘The Spirit’ or
made from it. But according to Marx, what we call spirit, mind, or head is born off the materialistic
body, just as if the various parts of a watch are assembled in a particular decided way, it produces
movement and speed.
Therefore it is clear that Marx’s philosophy is different from Hegel. In his immortal text, as a part of
‘Capital’, Marx has himself written that, “I have found Hegel’s dialectics standing on its head (mind,
spirit), and I made it stand on its feet (on earth on the basis of materialism). If you wish to bring it
out from its mystical cover and find the logical truth, then you have to completely turn it (Hegel’s
dialectics) completely upside down.” Come lets discuss this theory expansively.
Dialectical materialism is one of Marxist ideologies great success. It is because of this brilliant
discovery that philosophy for the first time could become scientific. It became such a science that
could approximately represent the materialistic development of nature, society and human thinking.
This theory propagates the ordinary laws of historical development. But to understand it well, it is
necessary that we give development on order of dialectical and discuss it briefly, as given below :
meaning of Dialectism
The english word ‘dialectic’ is taken from the greek ‘Dialego’, which means talking to each other, or
argument. In, ancient times during argument/discourse, to find the contradictions in the argument
presented by the opponents, and finding their solution to arrive at the truth – this art was called Dialego
or discourse or debate. In ancient time there were philosophers who believed that the presentation
of contradictory views or logic and counterlogic and argument over different truths was one of the
best method to arrive at the truth. Later this dialectical method is used for thinking out that natural
events, always remain moving, to always encompass change; and the development of nature; the
development of countradictory forces in nature and the end activity of contradictory forces of nature
are the result of this activity.
marx’s Dialectical materialism
As it has been mentioned earlier the ‘shadow’ of Hegelian dialectism is seen to some extent in Marx’s
Dialectical Materialism and in that sense Marx accepted Hegel’s development of dialectism, but he
rejected completely its foundation and reason, that the story of spirit, neutral thought etc. The main
reason for this rejection was that Marx believed that Hegel did not pay attention in his dialectics on
the factual and research proven facts. It is Marx’s contention that Hegel ignored the subjective and
physical–material world in which he lived, and in which to stay healthy and have a living are available
many means and resources; because of which his physical being, like his mind went on existing; and
it was possible for him to express his philosophic thoughts. Side by side Hegel also forgot this world,
in which his thoughts and their related laws had the availability of internal matter. It is this real world
due to which Hegel’s descriptions were possible. The Mind, putting on the wings of imagination can
fly freely in the sky as much as it likes, but its feet will always remain steady on the earth; branches
can only grow from the tree–trunk.
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