P. 47
Unit-8: Materialistic Interpretation of History
3. the activity of production is based on mode of produce : In this production mode, we count the notes
machinery, tools, labour and the power and ability to produce.
4. A production mode gives birth to a special mode of relationships, which is different from other
production–modes. Production–mode and production–ability/power is the real deciding factor of
social, political, religious and intellectual activities of human life; on it is dependent of the form of
government, law, art, literature, and religion of humans.
5. When there is change in the mode of production and power/ability of production, then change also
takes place in the social, religious, political, intellectual and other activities too. This is the reason that
when there was use of hand–held tooks, then there was the feudal system and when vapour–driven
machines came, then capitalism was born.
6. The change in production–mode, and production–ability happens due to the reaction of dialecties,
and the change will go on taking place until production will reach its highest state. This stage can
happen only after the establishment of socialism, which is the last stage of the development in history.
In this way, Marx’s historical materialism according to Vapour is, “Is a theory of hope, in which lies
the victory of humanity.”
7. Marx too, like Hegel believed in the necessity of history. He believed that the making of history is
always independent to the attempts of humanity. The flow of history cannot be stopped by man’s
attempt. In this flow will appear/take birth the different relationship according to the production
powers related to the age. The only power man has over them is that either he can hasten their coming
or delay them.
8. The division of time in history. Marx believed that each stage of history is an history of class –
struggle. Every event, every change is history is a result of economic powers. Marx has divided history
according to its production relationship and economic modes— (i) primeval communistic age (ii)
Age of Slavery (iii) Feudal Age (iv) Age of Capitalism (v) Age of Socialism. Three of these ages have
passed; the fourth stage is the present phase, and fifth stage is yet to come.
(i) primeval communistic age : This is the first era of history. In this age the main modes of
production were tools and implements made of stone, and bow and arrow the main basics.
Man used to live by hunting, fishing and gathering berries–fruits–and tuber–roots. There
was common ownership of production methods; there was no such thing as property.
Everyone was equal and there was no situation of exploitation. That is why Marx calls it
the age of Equality.
(ii) age of slavery : Slowly there was change in the materialistic state. Now man was involved
in the activity of agriculture and keeping in domestic animals; craftmanship originate, the
idea of private property was born, and division of labour took place. The persons who owned
the rights to land and other means of production, made others their slaves and forced them
to work for them. In this way, during the age of slavery, equality and liberty were ended,
society was now divided into the classes of master and slave. The exploitation of slaves
started and this was the beginning of class–struggle.
(iii) feudal age : In this age the kings and feudal lords had the right over the means of production,
especially land. Small farmers, who were known as serfs would lease the land from the lords
for agriculture. Peasants were not slaves but they were burdened with many controls. They
had to do free ploughing and agriculture of the landlords and during was had to fight in his
army. For this the lord gave him some land or wages for his livelihood. There was extreme
exploitation in this age, so that class–struggle went on a regular basis.
(iv) capitalistic age : In this age, the Industrial Revolution came to existence which/unprecedent/
changes into the means of production. Capitalist became the masters of the new modes of
production like machines and factories, and employed workers/labourers to work and
produce for them. Now production was taking place in mass–production and at a fast pace.
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