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Methodology of Social Research
notes 7. free and Valid information: Since while filling the questionnaire researcher is not present
before the respondent, hence he may express his thoughts openly and independently. the
impact that happens on the respondent of the presence of the researcher and the possibility
of bias that is there, is also prevented in this method. in this way, information received
questionnaires are credible, authentic and un-biased.
8. self-administered: for receiving information through questionnaires, researcher need not
be present in the field nor has he to be entangled in the issues of any kind of organization
or arrangement. He is freed from the selection, training, organization and administration of
investigators. After sending through post, questionnaires themselves come back filled duly.
that is why this method is self- administered and organized.
9. statistical treatment possible: Bogards has written, “in it modulated results are obtained
which can be used in tabulated or statistical form.” from this statement it is clear that
classification, tabulation and categorisation of information received through questionnaires
is easy and for obtaining the results, statistical formulae may be used upon them.
10. Comparative Study: through questionnaire method, results of various investigators may
easily be compared mutually because in questionnaire method during the research due to
the absence of researcher, information are usually unbiased, homogenous and credible,
comparing which is possible.
13.7 Demerits (Limitations) of Questionnaire Technique
Despite the many advantages and merits of questionnaire method, it is not free from the demerits.
Telling it disadvantages F.L. Vitini has written, “questionnaire is perhaps the most polluted
methodology.” Main demerits or limitations of questionnaires are as follows:
1. Inappropriate for Uneducated: Use of questionnaires may be done only for educated people
because respondent has to himself read it and fill. In our country where percentage of illiteracy
is more, there its use may be done in limited amount only.
2. Problem of Response: Questionnaires get returned in very less numbers or respondents
do not show haste in returning them duly filled. The reason is that most respondents are
careless, unwilling and lazy, some are unable to understand the purpose of survey, and they
lack time or do not know to answer the questions or do not want to write the personal facts
themselves. in such situation, very little questionnaires are returned back.
3. Incomplete Information: Many a times in questionnaire, main questions are not answered.
When respondent is not able to understand the information questions or do not want to give
secret information, then they knowingly dismiss such questions or possibility of question
s being left out is also there while filling carelessly or hastigly. In this way, information
compiled through questionnaire method are insufficient and incomplete.
4. Dirty and illegible Writing: Respondent fills the questionnaire himself and handwriting
of everyone is not beautiful. in such a situation reading and understanding the received
information becomes a problem. Cutting and over-writing, dirty and carelessly written letters
cannot be read, hence received information cannot prove to be useful.
5. Representative Sampling Impossible: sample selected for study through questionnaire
method does not do a complete representation of the area because in an area both the literate
and illiterate people are there, but questionnaires may be used only for literate people. Hence,
generalising in relation to universe in subjective way is not possible.
6. lack of emotional stimulation: in questionnaire method, there is no face-to-face contact
between the respondent and investigator. Hence they are not able to properly understand
each other’s thoughts nor is the researcher able to emotionally inspire the respondent to fill
the questionnaire. Hence, it remains to be a mere formal method only as a result of which
incomplete and insufficient information are gathered.
102 loVely professional uniVersity