P. 113
Unit-14: Interview
thoughts and aspirations of people, useful experiences are received in relation to persons notes
and collective life which are used for building of new hypothesis.
3. personal information: Objective of interview is also to find out personal and internal
information from the life of people. such information which P V Young call as ‘picture of
human personality and which are important from the view of personal study, can also be
received through interview only.
4. for Qualitative information: there are such qualitative information related to human life
such as feelings, psychologies, emotions, aspirations, thoughts, folk-beliefs, attitudes, values,
principles, interests etc whose study is possible only through interview. We cannot express
these in numbers.
5. Opportunity for Observation: Through interview, along with finding the knowledge of
personal information, opportunity is also found for observing the behaviour of person and
many thing of life. in this manner, in interview merits are found of both- the observation
and interview.
6. Verification of Information Received through Other Methods: one of the objectives of
interview is also to find the credibility and authenticity of the information received through
questionnaires, observation and other methods. Many a times some facts do not get clear
through questionnaires and observation, then, they are made clear by asking from the
informant through interview.
7. one of the objectives of interview is to find out various thoughts and other information
about the problem.
8. through interview, causes responsible for any incidence are searched for. Co-relations and
effective causes of those causes are also found out.
Types of Interview
Various knowledgeable men on the basis of objectives of interview, duration, field, formality, based
on humanitarian approach, number of people participating etc. have mentioned about the types of
interview. We will discuss about the various types of interview:
1. On the Basis of Purpose
1. Diagnostic interview: Objective of this kind of interview is to find out the cause of any social
problem. Just as a doctor makes inquiry from the patient to know the cause of the disease, in
the same manner, to know the causes of social problems and incidences, researcher interviews
the informant. for e.g. interviews done to know the cause of problems like crime, child-crime,
unemployment etc. are diagnostic interviews.
2. treatment interviews: Just knowing the causes of social problems do not provide the solution
to the problem, whereas, suggestions and solutions to solve the problems are also asked from
the people. such interviews are called treatment interviews.
3. Research Interviews: objective of research interview is to search new knowledge and
information about social life and incidences. to collect information about the feelings,
thoughts, psychologies, value and principles etc. about the informant, such interviews are
2. On the Basis of Number of Informants
1. personal interview: in such kind of an interview, at a time, one interviewer and one informant
converse relating to a mutual subject. in it, interviewer keeps asking the questions and informant
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