P. 8

Unit 1: Basic Concepts of Economics


             Note     Scarcity and Choice

             Scarcity occurs because people want more than what is available. Scarcity limits us both as
             individuals and as a society. As individuals, limited income (and time and ability) keeps
             us from doing and having all that we might like. As a society, limited resources (such
             as manpower, machinery, and natural resources) fi xes a maximum amount of goods and
             services that can be produced.
             Scarcity requires choice. People must choose which of their desires they will satisfy and
             which they will leave unsatisfied. When we, either as individuals or as a society, choose

             more of something, scarcity forces us to take less of something else. Economics is sometimes
             called the study of scarcity because economic activity would not exist if scarcity did not
             force people to make choices.
             When there is scarcity and choice, there are costs. The cost of any choice is the option or
             options that a person gives up. For example, if you gave up the option of playing a computer
             game to read this text, the cost of reading this text is the enjoyment you would have received
             playing the game. Most of economics is based on the simple idea that people make choices
             by comparing the benefits of option A with the benefits of option B (and all other options

             that are available) and choosing the one with the highest benefit. Alternatively, one can

             view the cost of choosing option A as the sacrifice involved in rejecting option B, and then

             say that one chooses option A when the benefits of A outweigh the costs of choosing A

             (which are the benefits one loses when one rejects option B).

             The widespread use of definitions emphasizing choice and scarcity shows that economists

             believe that these definitions focus on a central and basic part of the subject. This emphasis
             on choice represents a relatively recent insight into what economics is all about; the notion

             of choice is not stressed in older definitions of economics. Sometimes, this insight yields

             rather clever definitions, as in James Buchanan’s observation that an economist is one
             who disagrees with the statement that whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. What
             Buchanan is noting is that time is scarce because it is limited and there are many things one
             can do with one’s time. If one wants to do all things well, one must devote considerable
             time to each, and thus must sacrifice other things one could do. Sometimes, it is wise to

             choose to do some things poorly so that one has more time for other things.
          1.2 Scope of Economics
          Economics is concerned with the application of economic concepts and analysis to the problem of
          formulating rational individual and national decisions. There are four groups of problem in both
          decision making and forward planning.

          1.   Resource allocation: Scarce resources have to be used with utmost efficiency to get optimal
               results. These include production planning, problem of transportation, etc.
          2.   Inventory and queuing problem: Inventory problems involve decisions about holding of

               optimal levels of stocks of raw materials and finished goods over a period. These decisions
               are taken by considering demand and supply conditions. Queuing problems involve
               decisions about installation of additional machines or hiring of extra labour in order to
               balance the business lost by not undertaking these activities.

          3.   Pricing problems: Fixing prices for the products of the firm is an important part of the
               decision making process. Pricing problems involve decisions regarding various methods
               of pricing to be adopted.

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