P. 165

Accounting for Companies-I

                    Notes          (i)  When the redemption of debentures is in lump sum after specified period: Equal Instalment
                                       Method – When debentures are redeemable at the end of a specified period, total discount
                                       on the issue of debentures is spread over the life of debentures equally.
                                       For example, if total discount allowed is ` 15,000 and debentures are redeemable at the
                                       end of fifteen years, total discount will be divided by 15 and the amount so arrived
                                        (i.e.    =  1,000)  will be transferred to Profit and Loss account every year for 15
                                       years. Thus at the end of 15 years, the total amount of discount will be eliminated from
                                       books. This method is suitable only when debentures are redeemable at the expiry of a
                                       specified period.
                                   (ii)  When redemption of debentures is made in instalments: Proportion Method – In such case,
                                       the total amount of discount on issue of debentures should be written off in the proportion
                                       to the benefit received from the money collected by the issue of debentures or outstanding
                                       balance every year. The reason is simple: the years which enjoy the use of the larger
                                       proportion of cash should bear the larger proportion of discount.

                                      Note It is to be noted that “premium on redemption of debentures account” is a personal
                                     account, because it is the liability of the company to pay the Debenture-holder at a premium
                                     as per the condition of redemption.

                                   Accounting Treatment: When discount on issue of debentures is written off against the profits of
                                   the company, the following journal entry is passed:
                                       Profit and Loss Account                       Dr.
                                            To Discount on Issue of Debentures Account.

                                          Example 3: Debentures Discount – Proportion Method
                                   Suresh Co. Ltd. issued 2,00,000; 15% Debentures of ` 100 each at 5% discount. These debentures
                                   are redeemable in instalments of ` 40,00,000 every year. Open discount on issue of Debentures
                                   Account in the books of Suresh Limited. The working note will be a part of the solution.

                                                         Discount on Issue of Debentures Account
                                    Year          Particulars           (`)    Year     Particulars      (`)
                                         To 15% Debentures Account     10,00,000     By P&L Account     3,33,333
                                                                                     By Balance c/d     6,66,667
                                                                       10,00,000                       10,00,000
                                         To Balance b/d                 6,66,667     By P&L Account     2,66,667
                                                                                     By Balance c/d     4,00,000
                                                                        6,66,667                        6,66,667
                                         To Balance b/d                 4,00,000     By P&L Account     2,00,000
                                                                                     By Balance c/d     2,00,000
                                                                        4,00,000                        4,00,000
                                         To Balance b/d                 2,00,000     By P&L Account     1,33,333
                                                                                     By Balance c/d      66,667
                                                                        2,00,000                        2,00,000
                                         To Balance b/d                  66,667      By P&L Account      66,667

          158                               LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY
                                                                         66,667                          66,667
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