P. 24

Cost Accounting – I

                    Notes          3.   “Cost accounting is becoming more and more relevant in the emerging economic scenario
                                       in India”. Explain this statement.
                                   4.   “Cost accounting system that simply records costs for the purpose of fixing sale price has
                                       accomplished only a small part of its mission”. Explain.
                                   5.   What are the main characteristics of an ideal cost accounting system?

                                   6.   What are the objectives of cost accounting?
                                   7.   Explain the importance of costing under present circumstances.
                                   8.   State the advantages of costing. How does it aid the management and what objections are
                                       raised against cost accounts?
                                   9.   Critically evaluate the arguments for the installation of costing system in an industry.
                                   10.   What  do  you  mean  by  installation  of  costing  system?  Explain  the  practical  difficulties
                                       involved in installing such a system in a manufacturing concern.

                                   11.   “A good costing system is a valuable aid to management”. Discuss.
                                   12.   “Cost accounting has become an essential tool of management”. Comment and state the
                                       steps to be taken while installing a costing system in a manufacturing concern.
                                   13.   Which  method  of  costing  would  you  recommend  for  the  following  industries?  Give
                                       (i)    Ship building,             (ii)   Automobile manufacturing,
                                       (iii)  Cement industry,           (iv)  Chemicals industry,

                                       (v)   Transport,                  (vi)  Electricity supply or power house,
                                       (vii)  Oil refining,              (viii)  Coal mining,
                                       (ix)  printing, and               (x)   Soap manufacturing.
                                   14.   Explain the methods and techniques of cost accounting in detail.

                                   15.   Discuss cost accounting in Indian context.
                                   16.   What are the methods of costing? Explain their adaptability in different industries.
                                   17.   “Cost accounting has become an essential tool of modern management”. Comment on this

                                   18.   State the steps involved in the installation of a costing system in a large manufacturing

                                   Answers: Self Assessment

                                   1.   False                            2.   True
                                   3.   True                             4.   Cost control

                                   5.   cost audit                       6.   Budgeting
                                   7.   True                             8.   False
                                   9.   False                            10.   Cost
                                   11.   prime cost                      12.   cost accounting
                                   13.   comparison of expenditures      14.   Cost data

                                   15.   batch costing

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