P. 183

Cost Accounting – II

                    Notes             Section 209(1) (d) also specifies that the rules are to be prescribed for any class of company
                                       engaged in production, processing, manufacturing or mining activities.

                                      These rules contain the particulars relating to utilisation of material or labour or other
                                       items of cost as may be prescribed to include such details in the books of accounts.

                                   9.7 Keywords

                                   Associate: It means an enterprise in which an investing reporting party has significant influence
                                   and which is neither a subsidiary nor a joint venture of that party.
                                   Bulk Drug: It means  any pharmaceutical,  chemical, biological or plant product including its
                                   salts, esters, stereo-isomers and derivatives, which are used as such or as an ingredient in any
                                   Infant Milk Food: It includes all types of milk food intended for the routine, complementary or
                                   supplementary food of infants and children  up to the age  of five years and  other types  of
                                   modified milk foods for infants which  are intended  for the feeding of  infants and  children
                                   during the treatment of gastro-intestinal disorders.
                                   Intermediate: It means any compound which is manufactured from primary or basic raw material
                                   and which is used in the production, processing or manufacturing of any dye.

                                   Joint Venture: It means a contractual arrangement whereby two or more parties undertake an
                                   economic product, which is subject to joint control.
                                   Milk Food: It means any food produced by mixing whole milk, partly skimmed milk or milk
                                   powder with ground barely malt or any other malted cereal grain, wheat flour or any other
                                   cereal flour or malt extract.
                                   Related Party Transaction: It means a transfer of  resources or  obligations between related
                                   parties, whether or not a price is charged.

                                   Significant Influence: It means participation in the financial or operating policy decisions of an
                                   enterprise, but not control of those policies.

                                   9.8 Review Questions

                                   1.  Highlight the prescription of cost accounting record rules in brief.

                                   2.  Write a brief note on cost accounting records rules and it’s applicability.
                                   3.  Discuss general provision under the various cost accounting records rules.
                                   4.  Explain the procedure for maintenance of records in brief.
                                   5.  What do you mean by statistical records? Discuss.
                                   6.  What do you mean by related party relationships?

                                   7.  With respect to materials discuss the information prescribed under Schedule I.
                                   8.  Discuss the factors considered by the government in making the final selection.

                                   Answers: Self  Assessment

                                   1.  Central                           2.   Cost Audit
                                   3.  partnership, proprietary, etc     4.   Small scale companies

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