P. 8

Unit 1: Entrepreneurship: A world of Opportunity

             Did u know? According to George Bernard Shaw, “The people who get on in this world
            are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can’t find
            them, they make them.” It seems George Bernard Shaw was talking about entrepreneurs,
            because this is what entrepreneurs do; they create their own future. The entrepreneur
            understands possible futures and creates the future of his or her choice.

          Entrepreneurship is the tendency of a person to organize the business of his own and to run it
          profitably, using all the qualities of leadership, decisions making and managerial caliber etc.
          The term “entrepreneur” is often used interchangeably with “entrepreneurship”.
          Entrepreneurship is a role played by or the task performed by the entrepreneur. The central task
          of the entrepreneur is to take moderate risk and invest money to earn profits by exploiting an
          opportunity. For this he must possess far-sightedness to perceive an opportunity so that he can
          exploit it well in time. Although an entrepreneur has to perform diverse functions yet he must
          manifest many qualities in himself to be a good entrepreneur.

          Self Assessment

          Fill in the blanks:

          1.   Entrepreneurship is often viewed as a ……………… which involves the exploitation of
               opportunities, which exist within a market.
          2.   Entrepreneurship is the …………………. of a person to organize the business of his own
               and to run it profitably.
          3.   Entrepreneur must possess ……………………. to perceive an opportunity so that he can
               exploit it well in time.

          4.   Individuals within organizations can be classified as entrepreneurs since they pursue the
               exploitation of ……………………

          1.2 Importance of Entrepreneurship

          Prosperity of a nation depends on the development of its economy.  Every nation has a
          responsibility to ensure economic development to improve the living standards of the people,
          eliminate poverty and backwardness. The process of economic development involves
          improvement in Gross National Product and depends on the utilization of physical natural
          resources by the human resources to realize the productive potential of the nation. It requires
          increase in production and level of consumption.
          In a labor abundant but capital short economy like India, there is limitation to the government
          in directly involving itself in increasing productivity considering the severe budgetary constraint
          for funds and the pressing need for higher investment in the frontiers of social development.
          Hence, the people have to come forward to engage themselves in productive activities by
          starting their own industrial unit’s livelihood. When more and more persons come forward to
          start their own enterprises, however small it may be, and run the enterprise, efficiently and
          effectively, the productivity of the nation will automatically improve. The government
          implements a number of programmes to induce self-employment and to develop
          entrepreneurship in the country. Hence, development of entrepreneurship and entrepreneur
          are sine-qua-non for the economic prosperity of the nation. Following are the reasons why
          entrepreneurship holds vital role in an economy:

          1.   Creates wealth for nation and for individuals as well: All individuals who search business
               opportunities usually, create wealth by entering into entrepreneurship. The wealth created

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