P. 122

Financial Management

                      Notes                         Exhibit 3: Sensitivity of Equity Value of Discount Rate

                                                       Discount rate                      Equity value
                                                          8.00%                              $75.80
                                                           8.50                              67.85
                                                           9.00                              61.25
                                                           9.50                              55.68
                                                          10.00                              50.92
                                                          10.50                              46.81
                                                          11.00                              43.22
                                                          11.17                              42.09
                                                          11.50                              40.07
                                                          12.00                              37.27

                                                  Exhibit 4: Consolidated Balance Sheets (in millions) May 31
                                                                                           2005       2006
                                         Current assets
                                         Cash and equivalents                                $254.3     $304.0
                                         Accounts receivable                                 1,569.4    1,621.4
                                         Inventories                                         1,446.0    1,424.0
                                         Deferred income taxes                                111.5      113.3
                                         Prepaid expenses                                     215.2      162.5
                                         Total Current assets                                3,596.4    3,625.3

                                         Property, plant and equipment, net                  1,583.4    1,618.8
                                         Identifiable, intangible assets and goodwill, net    410.9      397.3
                                         Deferred income taxes and other assets               266.2      178.2
                                         Total assets                                       $5,856.9    $5,819.6
                                         Liabilities and shareholder's equity
                                         Current Liabilities
                                         Current portion of long-term debt                    $50.1       $5.4
                                         Notes payable                                        924.2      855.3
                                         Accounts payable                                     543.8       432
                                         Accrued liabilities                                  621.9      472.1
                                         Income taxes payable                                  -----      21.9
                                         Total current liabilities                           2,140.0    1,786.7
                                         Long-term debt                                       470.3      435.9
                                         Deferred income taxes and other liabilities          110.3      102.2
                                         Redeemable preferred stock                             0.3       0.3
                                         Share holder equity
                                         Common stock, par                                      2.8       2.8
                                         Capital in excess of stated value                    369.0      459.4
                                         Unearned stock comper                                 11.7       9.9
                                         Accumulated other comprehensive income               111.1      152.1
                                         Retained earnings                                   2887.0     3194.3
                                         Total share holder equity                           3136.0     3494.5
                                         Total liabilities and shareholder's equity         $5,856.9    $5,819.6


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