P. 180

Financial Management

                      Notes         Step 5 – Calculate the Differential after Tax stream: We subtract the existing machine stream
                                    from the new machine stream as follows:
                                       Year         New Machine         Existing Machine         Difference
                                         0            (1,85,000)               0                 (1,85,000)
                                         1             1,65,000             1,05,000               60,000
                                         2             1,65,000             1,05,000               60,000
                                         3             1,65,000             1,05,000               60,000
                                         4             2,20,000             1,10,000              1,10,000
                                    This stream shows both the timing and amount of net cash outlay and net cash inflow over the
                                    life of the new machine. All effects are differential – the difference between having the investment
                                    and not having it, and can be  evaluated with time-value of money techniques as have been
                                    discussed earlier.
                                    Cost of Capital

                                    As mentioned above, the cost of capital is an important element as basic input information in
                                    capital investment decisions. It provides a yard stick to measure the work of investment proposals
                                    and thus, perform the role of accept reject criterion. It is also referred to a cut-off-rate, target rate,
                                    minimum required rate of return, standard return and so on. In the present value method of
                                    discounted cash flow techniques, the cost of capital is used as the discount rate to calculate the NPV.

                                       Notes  The  PI Index or benefit  cost ratio  method  similarly employs to determine the
                                       present value of future cash inflows. In case of internal rate of return method, the computed
                                       IRR is compared with the cost of capital, and accept only the cases where they are more
                                       than cost of capital.
                                    In operational terms, cost of capital refers to the discount rate that would be used in determining
                                    the present values of estimated future cash proceeds and eventually deciding whether the project
                                    is worth accepting or not.
                                    The cost of capital is considered as consisting of different sources of funds. The cost of each
                                    source is called as specific cost of capital and these specific costs when combined refer to overall
                                    cost of capital or weighted cost of capital.
                                    Assumptions – Cost of Capital
                                    1.   That the firm’s business and financial risk are unaffected by the acceptance and financing
                                         of projects.
                                    2.   The firm’s financial structure is assumed to remain fixed. It implies that the additional
                                         funds required to finance the new project are to be raised in the same proportion as the
                                         firm’s existing financing.
                                    Solved Illustrations

                                    Illustraton 1: A project costing   5,60,000 is expected to produce annual net cash benefits of
                                    80,000 over a period of 15 years. Estimate the IRR. Also, find the payback period and obtain the
                                    IRR from it. How do you compare this IRR with the one directly estimated?
                                          Payback period =         . = 7

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