P. 181

Unit 9: Capital Budgeting

            Hence from the present value of annuity 1—15 years closest factors to 7 are 7.191, (at 11% rate of  Notes
            discount) and 6.811 (at 12% rate of discount). Hence IRR would be somewhere between 11% and
            Using interpolation IRR would be:
                                7.191 – 7         0.191
                         11% +            = 11% +       = 11.5%
                              7.191 – 6.811       0.380
            We know that reciprocal of payback period is a good approximation of the IRR provided the life
            of the project is large or at least twice the payback period and the project generates equal annual
            cash inflows. Since both the conditions are satisfied. IRR would be reciprocal of the payback
            period i.e., 1/7 = 14.28%.
            The two IRR’s are different. The second method is an approximation present value whereas the
            first gives the correct IRR, since at that discount rate cash inflows equals the cost of the project or
            the net present value is zero.
            Illustration 2:

            Valuable Products are considering purchase of a machine for its production line. Two types of
            options are available deluxe model with   30,000 initial cost and economy model with   20,000
            initial cost. Each model has 5 years life and no salvage value. The net cash flows after taxes
            associated with each investment proposal are:
                                                   Deluxe Model           Economy Model

            Net cash flows after taxes 1—5 years           9,000                    6,000
            1.   Net Present Value Method:
                                           Cash inflow after taxes         Total Present Value
                 Year’s  Deluxe Model  Economy Model PV Factor  Deluxe Model  Economic
                                 ( )               ( )       10%             ( )  Model ( )
                 1 – 5  9,000         6,000          3.7907    34,116        22,744
                                      Deduct initial cost      30,000        20,000
                                      Net Present Value        4,116         2,744
                 Hence, the model that gives higher NPV should be chosen i.e. Deluxe Model.
                 Remark: Since capital outlay was higher for Deluxe Model it has given higher NPV.
            2.   Present Value Index:

                             Deluxe Model                 Economy Model
                                34,116                        22,744
                       =                           =
                                30,000                        20,000
                       =        1.1372             =          1.1372
                 Since both give same PI Index, we are indifferent as to both the models.

            3.   IRR:
                             Deluxe Model                Economy Model
                                30,000                       20,000
                       =                           =
                                 9,000                        6,000
                        =      3.33 years          =        3.33 years

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