P. 65

Unit 4: Concept of Economic Value Added

            Differences between ROI and EVA                                                       Notes

                                         Table 4.1: ROI Method

                 Business    Current   Fixed Assets   Total      Budgeted     ROI
                  Unit        Assets                Investment    Profit    Objective
                   A           60          60          120         24.0        20%
                    B          70          50          120         14.4        12
                   C           95          10          105         10.5        10
                   D           35          40          75          3.8          5
                    E          25          10          35          (1.8)       (5)

                                             Table 4.2: EVA

               Business   Profit   Current   Rate   Regd.   F/A   Rate   Regs.   Budgeted EVA
                 Unit   Potential   Assets     Ergs. on            Ergs. for
                                               C/Assets              F/A
                           (1)     (2)    (3)    (4)    (5)   (6)    (7)     (1)-(4)-(7)
                  A       24.0     60     4%     2.4    60    10%     6        15.6
                  B       14.4     70     4      2.8    50    10      5        6.6
                  C       10.5     95     4      3.8    10    10      1        5.7
                  D       3.8      35     4      1.4    40    10      4       (1.6)
                  E       (1.8)    25     4      1.0    10    10      1       (3.8)

            From, first portion of the calculation (ROI method) one can observe that only one business unit
            C is ROI objective consistent with the company wide cut off rate, and in no unit is the objective
            consistent with the company wide 4 per cent cost of carrying Current Assets. Business unit A
            would decrease its chances of meeting its profit objective, if it did not earn at least 20 per cent on
            added investments in either Current Assets or Fixed  Assets, whereas units D and E would
            benefit from investments with a much lower return.

            The EVA method (2nd portion of the calculation – EVA Method) correct these inconsistencies in
            the following manner – the investments, multiplied by appropriate rates are subtracted from
            the budgeted profit. The resulting amount is the budgeted EVA. Periodically, the actual EVA is
            calculated  by subtracting from  the actual profits, the  actual investment  multiplied  by  the
            appropriate rates.
            Self Assessment

            Fill in the blanks:
            9.   EPS measure is flawed because it does not consider the …………….of capital employed.
            10.  EVA  takes  into  consideration  the  total  capital  employed  by  the  company—total
                 shareholders’ fund and ………………
            11.  EVA finds out the difference between the …………….and the cost of the capital employed.

            4.4 Limitations of EVA Analysis

            1.   The  EVA  analysis  does  not  necessarily  eliminate  the  problem  of  comparing  the
                 performance of large and small divisions. For example, a company has three divisions,

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