P. 110

Financial Management

                      Notes                  NP = Net proceeds realized.

                                                   10+(10+0+0 - 0)/10
                                             K  =
                                              p        (100+90)/2

                                                =        = 11.579 per cent

                                    6.4.3  Cost of Debentures/Debt/Public Deposits
                                    Companies may raise debt capital through issue of debentures or loan from financial institutions
                                    or deposits from public. All these resources involve a specific rate of interest. The interest paid
                                    on these sources of funds is a charge on the profit & loss account of the company. In other words,
                                    interest payments made by the firm on debt issue qualify  tax deduction in determining net
                                    taxable income. Computation of cost of debenture or debt is relatively easy, because the interest
                                    rate that is payable on debt  is fixed  by the  agreement between the firm  and the  creditors.
                                    Computation of cost of debenture or debt capital depends on their nature. The debt/debentures
                                    can be perpetual or irredeemable and redeemable cost of debt capital is equal to the interest paid
                                    on that debt, but from company’s point of view it will be less than the interest payable, when the
                                    debt is issued at par, since the interest is tax deductible. Hence, computation of debt is always
                                    after tax cost.

                                    Cost of Irredeemable Debt/Perpetual Debt
                                    Perpetual debt provides permanent funds to the firm, because the funds will remain in the firm
                                    till liquidation. Computation of cost of perpetual debt is conceptually relatively easy. Cost of
                                    perpetual debt is the rate of return that lender expect (i.e., fixed interest rate). The coupon rate or
                                    the market yield on debt can be said to represent  an approximation of cost of debt. Bonds/
                                    debentures can be issued at (i) par/face value, (ii) discount and (iii) premium. The following
                                    formulae are used to compute cost of debentures or debt of bond:
                                    (i)  Pre-tax cost

                                                    K   =
                                                          P or NP
                                    (ii)  Post-tax cost

                                                           I(1 – t)
                                                    K   =
                                                          P or NP
                                                    K   = Pre-tax cost of debentures.
                                                      I = Interest
                                                     P = Principal amount or face value.
                                                     P = Net sales proceeds.
                                                      t = Tax rate.

                                    Illustration  18:
                                    XYZ Company Ltd., decides to float perpetual 12 per cent, debentures of   100 each. The tax rate
                                    is 50 per cent. Calculate cost of debenture (pre- and post-tax cost).

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